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Who you with then? asked the large man who had dragged him out of the cellar. You got blood an dust all over, you been fightin, ay kid? He was a really tall, well over six foot and more like seven. His face had one huge scar running right across it and his waist was probably as round as he was tall, which made for a massive, imposing presence. The mans face was clean shaven, though and his hair was neatly tied back. Dressed in an off-white apron and short sleeves he had all the look of a man in charge of a kitchen.

Howd you get into my cellar and whats this? He had taken the box from Kais hand when hed grabbed him. You a thief, boy? You stole this from some posh Lord? Is that why youre all blooded?

Kai looked at those eyes and was surprised to find that they were not cruel or vicious, just efficient, maybe even honest. This wasnt a bad man, he could have beaten him and thrown him to the soldiers for being in his cellar, but he was questioning him instead. He had obviously seen that Kai was armed as well, but he hadnt pulled a knife or gone for a sword and that had to be a good sign, didnt it?

Kais mind was a bit of blur with the shock of knowing that he couldnt go back to Gwrych. He was a marked traitor now and could be killed on sight. What could he tell this big man that would make him understand? Where could he go now that he couldnt go back to Gwrych?

He decided to work with his only connection to life outside the castle walls.

Im looking for Llewellyn.

It was a long shot, but it had the right effect. The man frowned and then looked at him sideways as if seeing him for the first time.

Let me see that, he said, brushing off the dirt that had caked Kais surcoat. He saw the dragon stitched into the dirty green material and his eyes widened. He looked at the box in his hand again, traced the flower carved into the surface and made a humph sound.

In here. He pulled Kai into a pantry that was much like Hennys back at Gwrych. Filled with sausages and fruits, boxes and bottles. Dont move.

He thrust the box back into Kais hands and left.

Kais stomach rumbled with hunger, but he didnt dare eat anything for fear of causing offence. He needed friends now. He needed help. Or he needed to get back into the passageway and find some other place to be. The problem with that last part was that there was a whole kitchen full of people between him and the door to the cellar.

The pantry door burst open and there stood Lorcan, the tall ranger from the hilltop. His sword was drawn and pointed at Kai. Remembering how fast Lorcan had drawn his bow back on Teor Hill, Kai didnt think it would be a good idea to draw his own sword.

He neednt have worried. The moment Lorcan saw Kais face he sheathed his sword and went down on one knee.

My Lord, said Lorcan. Forgive me. We had lost hope that you would return.

Please, get up, said Kai. The big man who had caught him in the cellar had gone down on one knee as well and it made Kai uncomfortable.

When they had got up again he asked them: What do you mean, lost hope.?

When the kraiks came upon the city in such force we barred the gates and feared the worst. But then we saw the battle, the children of the forest fighting them and some of us felt that perhaps you had inspired them as your father once did before you. But then there was no sign of you at the post or the square in the morning and we began to lose hope.

You know who I am? said Kai. How many people know? I didnt tell him.

Of course, the city has been in uproar all night, since word of your duel in the castle reached us. Edward sent his soldiers out to quieten things down and, there Lorcan paused and Kai realised his green and brown tunic had dark stains all over that hadnt been there before, well, Edwards crimes against Briton are many and this is but another tax exacted in the blood of our people.

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