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They arrived in the courtyard after a number of wrong turns despite Finns assurances that he knew where he was going and didnt need to ask for directions. In the short space of fifteen minutes, theyd managed to be shouted out of a guards chamber, shooed out of the kitchens and pushed out of the royal study by a rather nasty looking scribe. But they made it in the end and stepped out into the sun of the Glyndwr Courtyard.

They entered the yard with the high and thick walls of the castle keep behind them and the first thing Kai noticed was that the floor was not stone but was covered in sand and new straw. It was a huge open space about the size of a football field but felt high up. Not that he could tell. Three sides of the yard were bordered by a massive wall at least three stories high from where they stood. Against each wall was a building of mixed wood and stone that looked like they had just grown out of the grey stone behind them. At the front of each building was a huge double door painted with a massive symbol. A fierce red dragon had been painted on the door to their left, the rest of the door was a bright golden yellow – the same symbol that was on the surcoat in the bag that Wraith had taken; across from them a black door had the now familiar white two headed eagle and the third door was red with a stylised lion rearing up in white. Either side of them were several smaller buildings that didnt seem to have much on them at all.

The yard, like the entrance hall, was full of children. But this time there were no girls so the boys were doing what boys left alone do best - playing, fighting or finding ingenious ways to do both at the same time.

Dragons of Conway, thats us, said Finn who sounded like he was getting used to the idea. Ah had hoped ta be in Caernarfon like me Da, but ah can do Conway if ah have ta.

Which ones Caernarfon? asked Kai.

The lion on red, said Finn. Tis a good castle ta be in, but the dragons is fierce to.

And what about the eagle? asked Kai, quickly realising hed made a mistake when both boys looked at him like he was utterly insane.

Yev lived a sheltered life if ya dun know who that belongs to.

Its Edwards? Kai guessed.

Right. But here tis fer Gwrych. Ocourse Gwrych werent a castle fer the summer fostering till a few years back. Used ta be Caerphilly with a green shield and a gold bear, but after Caerphilly rebelled Finn shrugged and made a slashing move across his own throat.

They reached the doorway to Conways quarters and were met by a tall older boy with long brown hair and a broad, angular face. He was dressed in a long golden surcoat with a miniature version of the same red dragon stitched above his left breast.

Hmm, first years, he said stopping them at the door.

Another boy, of a similar age with short black hair, pale skin and bright blue eyes ran out the door.

First years! Let me ave em Karel. I will show em ze ropes! Some others who had gathered nearby laughed at this. Kai recognised the nasal sounds of a Frenchmen in the boys voice and wondered what that country was like in this strange world. He had also noticed that Karels accent wasnt quite local either.

Karel rolled his eyes. Theyre late, and do you want to start the summer in minus points again, Felipe?

Felipe looked crest fallen. You are no fun now you are all Mr smartie pants Chief Squire. The French boy ran back inside to search for other mischief.

Karel sighed. I am Karel of Czechia, son of the house of Vaclav the fourth, he said to the boys, his words were pronounced in a strong short way, like he was working too hard on the consonants. But to you, I am just the Chief. If you have any questions, I dont want to know about them; if you do anything stupid I dont want to know about it; if you are in mortal danger, I will do my best to punish those responsible after you are dead. But, and now he leaned forward. If you lose this castle points, I will put you in mortal danger myself. It is about time Conway won the summer shield and you will help us win it wont you?

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