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First thing in the morning the boys were all up and ready before Steward came in to pounce on them. Whilst nothing had originally been scheduled for pre-breakfast work, yesterdays announcement had given Steward an excuse to work them all harder than before and they were all in the yard again straight away.

Out on the sand and straw, the older boys were drilling parade ground manoeuvres. Several boys from Caernarfon were practicing spear combat and a couple were even trying out some wicked looking weapons Kai didnt know the names of.

Eagle! Hawk! Steward was shouting at the older boys from Conway Those turns are too sloppy! Do it again! Kai could see the two older watches had already had enough of marching.

Merlin! To the weapons! Kais group jogged to the end of the courtyard for their second pre-breakfast bout with Steward. Some of the Caernarfon boys were too slow to get the message that their time was up. You lot! shouted Steward. You are not appearing before Edward with that kind of messy footwork! Disappear and do something useful!

Wheres Yorvik? You! Steward pointed at Geoffrey. Go and get them! Geoffrey stood stunned for a moment. The prospect of going into Gwrychs barracks and getting Camerons watch out of bed was something even Kai wouldnt have wanted to do.

Now! shouted Steward and Geoffrey bolted. While Geoffrey headed into enemy territory, Steward turned to the other five boys. We have no time to get you lot into shape or to train you with new weapons so I need to know what you can do and what you cant. You, Dane! Gunder smiled. Hammer or sword? Steward picked up the two weapons and showed Gunder.

Sword, said Gunder. Big sword.

Right! He threw the largest practice blade he had to Gunder. You! Moor! he pointed at Saladin.

I am a Saracen.

I dont care, boy. Is it sword or scimitar?

I was trained on a red-cloak gladius but prefer the dagger.

Steward stared at Saladin for half a second. The dagger is useless in a bout, I dont have a practice gladius and Im not letting you near a real one – the scimitar will have to do. Steward picked out a curved practice blade and threw it to Saladin.

Marsh boy!

Hand and a half sword, said Kai without a moments hesitation.

It was at this point that Yorvik watch appeared from their barracks. They were carrying a struggling Geoffrey between them, laughing as he screamed for them to put him down.

Trespassers, said Cameron who was leading the group and wasnt carrying Geoffrey but fingering a wicked looking long knife, lose an arm or a leg on my familys property. Which will it be? Cameron put the knife edge to Geoffreys thigh.

Get off him! Kai snapped, starting to run towards the group. Kai knew that there was an artery for blood in the inner thigh that would kill you if it was stabbed. Camerons game was a deadly dangerous one.

Stand! bellowed Steward. Yorvik! Drop the boy! Kay! Return to your watch! Cameron! Sheathe that blade!

Yorvik dropped Geoffrey, giving him a couple of small sharp kicks as they did so and then formed up around Steward.

Cameron, started Steward, you like your blade?

Cameron smiled a wicked smile. Yes sir.

Good, because if I ever see it unsheathed in public like that I will melt it down in a blacksmiths furnace and gild my latrine with its pretty metal. Clear?

Yes, sir, muttered Cameron.

Geoffrey rejoined them and Kai noted with anger that he had a livid red mark on his face. Somebody had hit him there. Yorvik would pay for that.

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