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**I'm putting this up here to share a fun adventure story (of course) but also to raise awareness of the plight of Gwrych Castle and hope that anyone reading might take a look at, get involved in or even donate to 'The Gwrych Castle Preservation Trust' to help the regeneration of this magical castle that shaped so much of my childhood. So please, visit https://www.gwrychcastle.co.uk/ to learn more about the fabulous group of volunteers rescuing a part of their heritage **

**Also, always happy to get feedback on the story - though the lack of apostrophes in Wattpad seems to be a strange feature of the transfer from MS Word. Apologies for that.**

Kai shouldn't have overheard his fathers conversation with Abigail that night, but the caravan walls were thin, and they were talking about him. Wrapped tight in his covers, he knew that they thought he was asleep; otherwise, they would have been quieter.

Your mother died because of that oath, I will not have it take Kai as well, his father had said. From that moment on Kai had strained to listen to every word, afraid and excited.

The night outside was quiet. Nights in the city were never this quiet, but this was north Wales, and it had a still darkness that sometimes made Kai afraid in the deep of night. Now though, it helped him catch almost every word.

Something in the gateway killed Mum, Abigail, replied. Not you. Abigail was Kais older sister. She thought and spoke in practical straight lines. The teachers at school liked her for that; the boys liked her because she was pretty. To Kai, though, she was just a bossy older sister who tried to act like she was his mum.

I know the power of the oath, Abbey, said Kais dad.

And you keep your part of it by bringing us to this castle campsite every year. And every year nothing happens. The gate stays closed, and we stay here. Abigail paused. Maybe the land forgot about us,

No, Kais dad explained. Kai is nearly twelve, nearly of age. The land will take him or me when it needs us. And it will need us, soon.

Kais dad was never afraid, he was sharp and focussed and made the world feel safe whenever he was around, but tonight Kai wondered if there was something his dad though Kai should be afraid of.

I cant believe the oath will demand Kais life. Abigail had raised her voice, then remembered herself and spoke quietly again so it was hard for Kai to hear. You made it to save him. To save all of us. Surely the land isnt that cruel.

It took your mother. Remember that, there was a pause. Tomorrow, said Kais dad. If I hear the voice tomorrow, I will know for sure.

They stopped talking then and began clearing up the evenings mess in the caravans living room where their dad slept. Whatever else Abigail and Kais dad spoke about Kai couldn't hear it; there was too much movement and their voices were too low to make out.

Kai fell asleep not too long after that. They had arrived at the campsite only that afternoon and he was tired. Everybody had done a lot of work to get all the bits of the old caravan set up and ready for the night ahead. But as he slept, Kais dreams were troubled by shadows in his imagination and a nameless terror hunting him through the darkness.

It was a beautiful July morning along the northern coast of Wales. The air was fresh and clean, the sun bright and warm and many of the people sharing the castle campsite with them had already jumped into their cars and headed for the beach.

As Abigail went down to the camps house to swap over the freezer blocks that kept their fridge-box cool, Kai stood in front of the caravans awning and looked out to sea. He was thinking about the conversation from the night before, but he didnt get very far in his thoughts before he was startled by a sharp prod in the back.

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