In Another Life ▸ g.w

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George x Female Reader

Listen to "another love" by Tom Odell, helps the experience. ;(


Fred survives btw.

"I don't care, he's perfectly allowed to be with who ever he likes," y/n whispered as she read off the pages of an old book.

Hermione sighed and threw her head back in distress.

"Y/n! Dont you get it? He's so in love with you! He's only with Angelina because he needs to fill that void that you left behind for him," Hermione whisper shouted as she snatched the book from y/n's hand.

Y/n reached her hand out to grab the book again, but failed, for Hermione had already put it back where it was.

"You don't understand 'mione, I see the way he looks at her, he can't possibly like me,"
y/n whispered back at her with a stern look on her face.

They sat there in silence, Hermione could feel how much hurt y/n felt from seeing George and Angelina kissing in the quidditch pitch a few weeks ago.

From that moment on, George and y/n stopped talking and y/n ignored every single letter George had sent to her. All of them being very long.

Y/n fixed her position and sat up neatly, taking a deep breath in.

"Look, if he really did like me, he would've already asked me to be his girlfriend, he's never done that," y/n said as she stood up from the chair and walked towards the exit of the library, Hermione frantically following behind.

George and Y/n had this thing going on between them, not sex, not a relationship, just love, but they never admitted it to one another. It had gotten to the point where they eventually stopped talking for a little while and rekindling their friendship once more.

George had an immense crush on y/n since third year. He couldn't remember a time when he looked at her and wasn't amazed by her beauty.

He couldn't get enough of those gorgeous e/c eyes and her pretty lips that he so wished would be connected with his at all times.

He couldn't describe how he felt about y/n, he'd have to write an entire book about how much she meant to him and how much happiness she brought into his life.

There wasn't a day that went by were he didn't think about how much joy he'd have in his life in y/n was in it, romantically.

Every morning, the first thing he'd think about was her, every time he ate, he thought about her, every time before bed, he'd think about her. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that he had screwed every chance he would've ever gotten up.

Angelina was his way of trying to get rid of his feelings towards y/n, that obviously was never going to work, not even in a million years.

His feelings grew stronger and more passionate for y/n when he got with Angelina, he couldn't feel the beautiful energy he felt when he was with y/n a from Angelina.

"Why would y/n like me, after everything I just did, you think she'd like me at all?" George asked his brother Fred, laying down on his bed looking up at the ceiling.

Fred ran his hands through his hair in annoyance and let himself fall onto the bed, he had been hearing the same name for the last few days over and over again, and he reckons he could've passed out one of those days.

"Why don't you just ask her out!? Get with her, she's all you ever talk about, she's our bestfriend, but you must do something about it instead of going on about it. Otherwise, she'll get over you quicker than how fast I'll slap you across the face if you don't shut up!" Fred shot back, turning his back on George and covering his ears with a pillow.

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