Guilt ▸ f.w.

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Fred x Female Reader
warnings: angst, heartbreak, overall just plain sad
summary: you and Fred start dating in your fifth year (poa era) and JUST READ THE REST PLS

y/n's pov
Fred and I have been dating for a few months now. He makes me the happiest girl in the world, well he used to. Lately him and I haven't been too close as we were before, I just wish I knew why. I love him with all my heart, his cheeky personality and the way he made me and everyone else around me laugh. The random kisses he'd steal from me and the tight warm tight hugs he'd give me in the middle of classes.

It's very rare he'll ever kiss me, or hug me now. When we first started dating, he'd always make sure to greet me with hugs and kisses in the morning, now it's just a simple "hey y/n." with a smile.

I dont know what's been going on but I just need to find out before things end worse. There's something I have been noticing though. The way he looks at Angelina Johnson. She's breathtaking, she's everything I've ever wanted to look like, I just know for a fact he most likely has something for her. I mean who wouldn't? He doesn't even look at me the same way anymore. I know he's hiding something from me.

Here we are in the common room scared out of our lives since Ron claims he just saw Sirius Black break into the common room and try to kill him. Sounds accurate to me but how? How could he have broken in? I was standing in the middle of the common room pondering this until I saw them, Fred and Angelina cuddled up on the couch. He was rubbing her back and comforting her. I felt my heart shatter into millions of pieces. I finally found out why people deal with heartbreak so horribly; the person who breaks your heart is the only person in the world who can mend it. How could he? I thought he loved me. Apparently not.

I held my tears back as much as I could but I couldn't help myself. Hermione was arguing with Ron about something, but as soon as she noticed me on the verge of tears, she immediately rushed over to my side.

"What's wrong y/n? Are you alright?" She asked worryingly.

I glanced at her then at Fred and Angelina when she turned to look at them her face fell as she pulled me into a warm hug.

"You should talk to him, it's the most logical thing to do," She said as she rubbed my back soothingly.

"Yeah, I probably should," I lightly chuckled to try to hide my sad expression.

-time skip-

Going outside always feels nice especially on days like this. It rained last night. Normally on rainy nights Fred and I would run around the castle and laugh in the rain. We haven't done that in weeks and certainly not last night.

I need to stop thinking of him
But everything reminds me of him. I must talk to him.

I was walking around the courtyard trying to find Ron, Harry and Hermione. It was a cold day outside so I figured I'd wear one of Fred's hoodies that he gave to me. He'd always let me borrow them, on some occasions he'd give them to me, for me to keep, only me.
I thought it was only me, but it sure wasn't.

As I was walking around to find the trio, I saw them again, together. I couldn't help but cry, cry at the fact that she was wearing one of his hoodies. It was similar to the one I was wearing except hers was orange and mine was red, both with the huge "F" in the middle of the sweater.

Why was he doing this to me? Why was he causing so much pain in my life. I couldn't be mad at Angelina, she's incredibly sweet and kind to everyone around her.

I quickly ran into my safe place, moaning myrtles bathroom and cried, for hours. I even skipped classes, my legs were too weak to even stand up.

fred's pov
y/n is an incredible witch and she's everything I've ever wanted. So why was it that I was feeling this way? Why is it that her laugh used to cause butterflies in my stomach and now, now they just don't. I wish I knew why. The way her hair blows in the wind when she plays quidditch, best chaser in my opinion. But why? Why doesn't she excite me anymore? I feel horrible for not feeling the way I did before. What was going on with me?

Then it hit him.

Fred was falling out of love.

Angelina and I have been getting closer and closer everyday. She's incredible, her sense of humor, her smile, everything about her is just amazing. Sometimes when I see y/n sitting in the library by herself, I join in, hoping it would lighten up the mood her and I have been in for a long time, but I can't seem to focus when Angelina is on my mind. I feel so bad but I can't control myself.

Currently we're with Angelina right now, at hogsmeade. George and y/n were sitting across from Angelina and I, Katie and Alicia said they wanted to be by themselves, considering they've been getting a lot closer lately. A little too close if you ask me.

The silence was so loud. I glance at y/n every once and a while to see if she's looking upset too. I feel horrible. Angelina looks happy about the fact that she's sitting next to me. I'm just as happy as she is, but something doesn't feel right.
George on the other hand looks angry. I have no idea why. He keeps glaring at me and giving me looks filled with disappointment. He knows. He knows about what's going on. He knows that I'm falling out of love with
y/n and he knows about my feelings with Angelina. I haven't even told him anything, he can just tell.

George and I met y/n on the train station to hogwarts. Ever since then, the three of us were inseparable. Three best friends, the only thing was, two of them were in love with each other and the other best friend watched as the two fell in love and drifted apart. He felt the heart break too. He was
y/n's best friend, but he definitely didn't feel as bad as I did.

"So," Angelina said awkwardly to break the silence.
"O.W.L.S, pretty rough aren't they?"

"Right," George replied with a little bit of sarcasm in his tone.

I looked up at him in confusion but all he did was glare at me, y/n caught a glimpse of this and quickly stood up, rushing out of the shop (three broomsticks).

Without thinking I followed after her and went out looking for her.
Where did she go? I thought to myself.

Running through hogsmeade, I stopped myself when I heard sobbing. I followed the noise until I saw her, sitting on a bench with her head tilted down and her hands on her face.

"Y/n," I said as I quickly rushed to her side. I couldn't even touch her. I'd feel even worse if I hugged her.
She quickly stopped what she was doing and wiped the tears off her face, not even bothering to look at me.
"What do you want Fred," she mumbled through sniffles.

I didn't know what to say, the silence grew more until she stood up to walk away.
Before she could leave I grabbed her wrist.
She looked at me, with sadness in her eyes. The same look she'd give me when some of the girls in our year would make fun of her for being quiet and introverted.

She stood there in silence, waiting for me to respond.
"Listen y/n," I managed to say. "I know you probably hate me right now, more than anything in the world right now-"
"No Fred!" She cut me off.
"I dont hate you, that's the problem, I wish I did though, especially after what's been going on."

She did it again, she made me feel even more guilty.
"I know your feeling for Ang," she said sternly. I quickly turned my head to her and my face fell as tears started forming in her eyes again. Before they could even fall she quickly wiped them off. If there's one thing I loved about y/n, it's that she was strong. She never wanted to come out as weak, ever.

"I just need to know one thing."
She looked up at me, her eyebrows furrowed and her nose red from all the crying.

"Do you still love me?"

I turned my head to look at her, with an apologetic look. She quickly caught on and turned around to walk away. Before she walked off she turned around one last time and said, "Why didn't you just say anything Fred Weasley?"
And just like that, she was gone.

I sat there in silence, not wanting to talk to anyone or do anything, the only feeling I could feel was remorse and that was the worst part of it all, guilt.

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