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Walking down the hallway alone and having to pass a group of guys to get to your destination, that's a girls nightmare.

I can either go through them or take the long way.

I looked to my left and decided to take the long way, I walked down a corridor that connects the two hallways of the school. When the corridor ends I make a right and continue walking down to my next class, oh and I was about five minutes late.

My phone starts buzzing, I check who it is and it's my friend Emily asking where I was. I quickly walked to the end of the hall and went to my class.

I stood at the door and looked inside. Thankfully the teacher wasn't here today so we had a substitute. When I walked in the sub-teacher was facing the board. Everyone turned to face me. I waved at everyone and rolled my eyes. I walk to my seat quietly and sit down next to my friends, Emily and Morgan. Emily gives me the 'where were you?' Look. I didn't answer her, just looked up ahead. I could feel her staring at me but I ignore it.

The substitute teacher looked very frustrated and sat down so everyone started talking amongst each other.

"Where were you at?" Emily asks. "you weren't here for Lunch nor study hall"

"Sorry, I went home to get something" I looked ahead, not wanting to look at her cause I know she didn't buy it.

"You know what also funny?" Morgan asked.

"What?" I turn to face her.

"That Nathaniel wasn't at lunch nor study hall" she smirked.

"Oh my fucking gosh! No! No! No!" I glared at them both.

"Come on! We know you were together" Emily said. I sigh and give in.

"Fine! Yeah, but we just went to the mall to eat cause I was really hungry and he just fucking took me out of school" I laughed.

"Badass" Morgan said and Emily laughed also causing me to slightly smile.

"He's one of my best guy friends so shut the fuck up" I try defending myself. I hate how they always assume things.

Emily is a very close friend, I've known her since fourth grade. Morgan and I we barely know each other but she's really chill so I like her, I met her this year.

"Heather?" I heard someone call me so I look at the direction my name was said.

"Yeah?" I say trying to figure out who called me.

"Trey wanted me to give you this since he couldn't find you during lunch" Sophie said walking towards me.

I was confused, very confused but I still took an envelope she handed me. "thanks?" I said looking at it.

"Welcome, oh and are we still going to the mall to get you know what?" She asked.

I giggled and answered. "yeah, just text me what time" I smile at her.

"Alright I will." she walks back to her boyfriend.

"What's in the envelope?" Emily asked.

"I don't know" I say looking at it once again. I opened my bag and put it in between my English book, that I never read and that's why I'm failing that class.

"You fucker!" I hear Emily say.

"Okay! I can't find the plans for today but I want you guys to be silent and work on any work for another class" the sub says.

Everyone gets silent for about ten seconds. But nobody listened to her so everyone was talking, even louder this time to piss her off. Yep! That's what high schoolers do.

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