Part 18

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"I can't believe it!" Ron said incredulously.

"Why not? Ginny had a crush on Harry ever since she was ten."

"But having a crush and dating?" Ron asked, confused. "That is a whole different thing! I can't believe he didn't tell me that he was dating my sister!"

"Why are you being like this?" Hermione asked, annoyed. "If she likes somebody, she has the right to date him and NOT tell everybody about it."

"But Harry should have informed me about this!" he threw his arms upwards in exasperation. "Really, when did this happen? How did this happen?"

"Harry's a clever guy, and he took notice of the signs that she had feelings for him. Some guy couldn't see the truth even it's handed on a silver platter to them." she said crossly.

"Now what is this about?" Ron asked, turning to her.

"Nothing, I'm just stating the information of general population."

"I don't feel stupid when I don't understand girls," Ron murmured. "But I do feel stupid when my best friend is dating my sister, and I don't even know that he had feelings for her in the first place."

"Ron," she groaned. "Give it a break."

"Well, if you say so," he shrugged.

"No, you shouldn't drop it just because I said so. You should drop it because you've no right over her life. And, if you still have confusion, talk to her whenever Harry isn't around."

"Talk to Ginny? Are you mental!" Ron said. "It's better to walk naked around the castle than talking to her."

Hermione laughed. "So, you're afraid of her."

"I'm not afraid of her!" he protested. "I'm her big brother, she should be the one to be afraid."

"And yet, you don't wanna talk to her."

"Don't be stupid." Ron cleared his throat. "I mean, like um, don't be thick? No, that's not correct. Geez, is there any way to describe you that's not the synonym of 'intelligent' ?"

"So you think I'm only intelligent?" she asked with a serious tone.

"Of course you're intelligent Hermione! I don't think anyone should have doubts about that, especially you,of all people."

"Hmm, and what about Lavender Brown?"

"Lavender Brown?" he asked, utterly befuddled.

"Describe Lavender Brown. What's she like-"

"She's pretty and beautiful, but-"

"But you're Ron the emperor, and you want a perfect girl, right? Beautiful, smart, witty- what other criteria do you have?" she asked bitterly.

"I don't want much. I just have only one criteria." he said, and changed his position from leaning on the sofa to sitting upright on it."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "And that is?" she asked with a contempt.

"My ideal girl should be like Hermione Granger from sixth year," Ron said, without blinking or breathing, just keeping his eyes straight on hers.

For a moment, Hermione forgot how to breath, how to talk, how to hear. In her world, she could only see a portrait of Ron Weasley sitting in front of her, everything else blurred.

Finally, she managed to say, "You've become a very good flirt, Ronald Bilius Weasley. Congratulations."

"I am telling the truth," he said, still looking at her.

"What do you mean you're telling the truth?" she laughed half-heartedly. "We're friends, and nothing more than that."

"Well, do you believe in that?"

"What?" she asked.

"That we're friends and nothing more?"

"I mean, we're best friends-"

"Hermione-" Ron whimpered. "I'm being serious."

"Well, do you?" she asked instead of replying to him. "Think there might be something more than friendship in between us?"

"I like to hope so," he said. "I always fancied you, you know."

"Then how come you never asked me out?"

"I was in the fear of rejection."

Hermione laughed. "Seriously? I don't think you're being serious right now."

"You kind of rejected Victor Krum, how could I stand a chance?"

"Ron," she whimpered. "I told you not to compare yourself with others."

"Um," he scratched the back of his head. "Does that mean I stand a chance?"

She supressed a smile. "I'll evaluate the possibility purely on your talent, not because I rejected some hot-popular guy earlier."

"Blimey Hermione!" Ron said in wonderment. "You sure know how to make a guy sweat under pressure!"

"And you discovered that only now?" she asked playfully, raising her brows.

"I guess," he said sheepishly.

"Then you've to go a long way before you discovered everything about me."

"I will even go to the chamber of secrets, if you guide me there."

"Smooth, Ron, but foolish. Why go see a chamber when there's no basilisk to pose a threat? It's not like you'd get harmed or anything."

"Ouch," Ron put a hand over his heart. "Well Hermione, do you know the name of the longest and rockiest road in the world?"

"Why, so you could use that name in your pick-up line?" Hermione asked. "No, Ron. I won't tell you the name. I'll tell you what, if you want to impress me so badly, then find the name yourself. I do appreciate a hard worker."

"Noooo," he groaned. "I'm not patient like you to read a thousand page book just to search for a name!"

She just shrugged.

"Hey, why are you going?" he called out, as she got up from the sofa they were sharing and started for the girl's dormitory.

"Homework," she said without looking back.

"But you can do homework here!" he protested. "Why are you going there?"

"Because, Ron Weasley-" she looked back only after she crossed the threshold of the doors of stairs that led to girl's dormitory. Placing one hand on the door's frame and the other on her hip, she said, "Because if I stay here, you'd drive me crazy with your balderdash."

Ron looked at him, his mouth open like a O.

"When have I disturbed you while doing homework!" he said, shocked. "I can't remember a single time!" he said innocently.

"You can't, but I can perfectly. Besides, the scent of your hair is driving me insane, and I can't sit beside you any more second, let alone doing the homework."

Ron touched his hair. "What's wrong with my hair!" he asked, shocked and surprised.

Hermione didn't answer. She went to ascend the stairs.

"Hey, what's wrong with my hair!" Ron called out. He sniffed his hair, and it smelt like usual. "Tell me!" he shouted, but she didn't reply.

"I'll have to ask Harry what's wrong with my hair," Ron thought, frowning.

#May 6,2021,4:23 pm

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