Part 17

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"My parents weren't such people to worship a bloke like him."

"I'm talking what if."

"This wouldn't ever happen."

"What if Harry, your parents were Death Eaters and they still lived? What would you have done if the Dark Lord came? Would you go against your parents, against everything you've been taught so far? Or would you follow along?"

"So, is that what happened?" he asked after a while. "Voldemort approached Malfoy? And Snape's helping him?"

"I asked you a question, and you didn't answer."

"That's because I don't know the answer!" Harry yelled. "Was I tempted when Voldemort promised me that he would bring me back my parents? Yes, absolutely. But I also remembered what Dumbledore told me, what Hagrid told me, and basically what everybody told me. So I didn't waiver."

Pansy sighed. "See, that's the problem.  "What you want for your family, is also what the majority wants. But Draco, what he wants for his family, a tiny group support him, but the majority doesn't want it."

Harry didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say.

"You made all the hard choices all these years. And when it was time for Draco to get out of his bubble and make a choice, it was harder than the choices you got to make, and it was worse for him, because he isn't as brave as you, Harry. I don't think you understand how brave or courageous you are, but you are the most unfazed person I've ever met. Draco looks like he's unafraid of everything, in reality, he's afraid of everything."

After a pause, she said, "Forgive him if you can. After your incident at the bathroom, I think it should be the other way around, but even so, I ask you to understand. "

"And what about me?" Harry shouted. "My parents died to fight him. And even after their sacrifice and everything, Voldemort didn't go. He lived to make a hell out of my life every year since I came to this school. He lived, so his follower could kill Sirius, the only family I had. He lived so I could see my friend die in front of me. Do you know that I asked Cedric to touch that cup? It was a portkey. It took us there and killed him. And nobody believed me. I spent a year amidst people's jeer and mockery. Umbridge punished me for telling the truth. And at the end of the year, my godfather died in front of my eyes. So forgive me if I don't care about his 'elite' problems." he said bitterly.

"I understand-"

"Exactly what part of this do you understand?" he bellowed.

"The part where you feel like you'd break of taking too much responsibilities on your shoulder, the part where you don't want to be the chosen one, but if you don't act, you fear everything's gonna get ruined, the part where you want to live a normal life, but it's impossible because people are always looking up to you. " she finished.

"Either you don't know what you're talking about, or you're just plainly mocking me."

"I'm not teasing you, Potter. I know what I'm talking about. I've been to hell, so trust me when I say I understand."

"You've been to what?" asked Harry, incredulous. "Okay, now I'm 100% sure you are talking nonsense."

"Well, Earth is not really different from the hell, is it?" she asked playfully.

"Just shut up, Pansy, for the sake of whichever-god-you-follow." He stood up. "I don't know why I wasted my precious time spitting nonsense with you."

"It wasn't all nonsense, was it?" she looked up at him.

"It was." he confirmed. "Now I'm thinking spending time in Snape's detention wasn't so bad, after all."

"Why do you get so angry with me, all the time?" she laughed.

"Because you're annoying and irritating, and you're Pansy Parkinson."

"Can Pansy Parkinson be your friend?"

"What?" he spluttered.

"I asked you if I could be your friend."

"Why, so could spy on me?"

"Gladly. For instance, I would love to spy what's underneath that cloak." she cooed.

Harry stood there, speechless. Finally, he mustered, "Malfoy's got a lot of nerves to keep you around.  I swear, devil himself made you."

"Hmmm... I'll make sure I send your compliment to Draco. I'm sure he'll be delighted."

Harry looked at her with such intensity that if his eyes could produce lasers, she would be a barbeque in an instant. But as his eyes were impotent to do so, she sat there, looking at him happily, occasionally baiting her eyelashes.

Harry stomped out. He halt in front of his common room. Only then he remembered that they have lost in the game.

"Quid agis?" he said tentatively to the Fat Lady.

Her expression was unreadable as she replied, "You'll see."

And she swung forward.

There was a crowd gathered in front of the portrait hole. Several hands pulled him into the room.

"WE WON!" Ron yelled into his ears.

Harry couldn't believe his eyes, couldn't believe his ears. Then what did Pansy say about losing?

With a jolt he realized Pansy never said they lose, she only misdirected him.

"That brat!" Harry said it out aloud.

"Excuse me, I prefer not to be called a brat!" Ginny said. He didn't know when Ginny came rushing to him, didn't know how they started hugging, but they were hugging now, and Harry couldn't be happier.

"Of course you aren't." Harry said softly. Before he had a chance to rethink about it, he pulled Ginny for a kiss. Ginny instantly responded, like she was waiting for it.

But why did it feel like it? Like he wasn't supposed to do it. Like he was missing something. The first time he kissed Cho, she was crying. He hadn't make any experience since. Was it supposed to feel like this?

Ginny pulled out. "Let's not do this ever," Ginny said under her breath.

Dean Thomas was holding a shattered glass in his hand and Romilda Vane looked as though she might throw something."

"Was it that bad?" he asked tentatively.

"Yes, and don't make a face. Right now, we act as if we're the world's happiest couple, and after a day or two, we'll break up."

"I didn't imagine it would go like this."

"Nor did I. All those boyfriends changing, for what?" she asked, annoyed.

"You changed them for me?"

"Don't ask. Hermione's idea."

"Well, we appreciate you are lovestruck and all, but could you try to be separate entities, at least for now?" Seamus asked.

"Mind your own business, Seamus." Ginny said, but then she broke free of their their hug.

"Hey, I'm elder than you! Show some respect!" Seamus called out.

"Apologies if I'm unable to respect a human bomb."

"Hey!" Seamus protested. "Harry, did you see how she treated me?.....Oh right, there's no point in telling you. You'll take her side, obviously."

"It's not like that." he feebly protested.

"Course." he snorted. "Harry, join our party tonight?"

"Sure, count me in," he said, before hoping out of the portrait hole to follow Ginny.

Note: Sorry I destroyed this beautifully Hinny moment. I feel so guilty now. Really, I'm sorry. :(

#May 5,2021,9:44 pm

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