Part 12

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"Hagrid!" Harry expressed exaltation. "Um, I'm in a detention, again."

Hagrid looked at him with sympathy.

"Yes, well, and we found it here." He stepped aside to show him the dragon.

"Oh no!" Hagrid cried. "Mavis here!" he bent low to see the dragon. "Mamma's looking all o'er for you!"

"Er.." Harry stammered. "Did you bring it here?"

Hagrid looked at Harry guiltily. "Found her on the streets of Knockturn Alley. She was just a baby and there were nobody to look af'er her."

He now placed the dragon gently on his hand. "So I put her in my pocket and when I came 'ere, she went missing. Have been searchin for her ever since." He stroked the dragon's body. It groaned contentedly in its slumber.

"But how did it came here?" Harry scratched his hair.

"As soon as I came 'ere, Dumbledore called me. We had an em'gency meetin 'ere." Looking at Sabrina, he bit his tongue. "I shouldn't 'ave said that." he shook his head. "Secre' stuffs," he whispered to Harry.

Sabrina scoffed.As if I can't hear him! I would be able to hear his loud voice if I were in Hogsmeade.

Flich came rushing out of nowhere. "You have work to do!" he yelled.

"What are you doing here?" he asked Hagrid.

"As a teacher of Hogwarts, me thin' me dese'ves more respec'," Hagrid said sternly.

Flich eyed him suspiciously. "What's that on your hand?" he asked coarsely.

"No.. nothing." Harry stammered.

"I don't trust you." Saying that, he advanced towards them.

At that moment, the dragon gave a loud snore. Flame erupted from its nose and burned a tinny-tiny part of Hagrid's giant beard.

"Sir," Sabrina rushed towards him. "Sir, can you take me to professor Snape, this instant?" she asked.

Flich looked at her. He couldn't remember any student ever calling him 'Sir'.

"Why?" he said at last.

"Because an idea popped into my head!" she said exultantly. "Potter disagrees with it, but" she cast a loathing look at Harry. "when did he ever come up with something useful?"

Flich smiled crookedly. That, at least he could agree with. And he was in good terms with Pansy since she were in the Inquisitorial Squad.

Harry looked at her, agape. What game Pansy was trying to play?

Hagrid already put Mavis in his pocket.

"I was wondering," she started. "Why not give us students the chore of cleaning bedpans? I mean, you do all the hard work by yourself. We could at least do this to lessen your burden, couldn't we?"

Flich looked at her, still trying to decipher what she meant.

"Oh, I'm not talking about me!" she squealed. "Obviously." she added. "I saw a bunch of Gryffindors dallying here and there, surely wasting their times doing nothing. If we could use them to clean these bedpans, look how easy it would be for you!" she said in excitement. "I'm sure professor Snape would agree to that."

Harry was too stunned to say anything. Why was Pansy trying to save them?

Flich considered. He didn't want to leave Harry and Hagrid here alone, but he didn't also want to miss this golden opportunity.

At last, he gave in to greed and said he would take her to the professor, asking her to follow him.

Harry and Hagrid stood there in silence. Still processing what just happened.

"Hagrid, I think you should go." Harry urged him. "If Snape sees that, you would be in big trouble," he said.

"Yeah, you're right Harry." Hagrid said. "And you'll be a'right, won't you?"

"Yes, I'll be perfectly fine. Don't worry about me." he said.

"A'right Harry. I'll see you off, then."
Professor Snape dismissed the proposal with a wave of his hand. "If I remember correctly Miss Parkinson, I sent you in a detention, not in a mission to find ways to make Mr. Flich's life better." he said with a disapproving tone.

"Yes, professor, and I was on my way completing the task I was given." Sabrina said, bouncing on her heels. "But if you just listen to me," she pleaded. "Those Gryffindors, those hapless, harrowing pile of meats-"

He cut in. "And I would appreciate it if you leave your concern to Minerva Mcgonagall, head of Gryffindor house." he said. "Nor you or I can do anything from our position." he looked at Flich who looked like he choked on something accidentally. His nose inflated, and his face deflated like a newly-bursted balloon.

"It's a shame but system is system." Professor Snape continued. "No matter how we wish upon it, we can never escape from doing things against our wishes." He turned to Sabrina. "You have until lunch-break till you complete your detention. So I would advise you to hurry up." he said flatly.

"And," he continued. "Let Potter know that there would be no second days. If he can't finish his task within time, he would have to stay and finish his job before he could attend to other things."

"Sure, sir." Sabrina gave a brief bow. "I'll let him know that."
After Hagrid left, Harry concentrated on cleaning.

"Gosh! How am I supposed to clean all this-" she gasped. "Within one hour?"

Harry turned. "Pansy," he said.

"Yes, yes." she waved her hand. "No need to look so elated." she said. "We have until lunch-break to finish. So, work inhumanely."

"I need to know something."

"Didn't you hear me? We-" 

"Why did you help us?" They said at the same time.

"Why would I help you Potter? Didn't you hear what I proposed to Flich?" She laughed.

"I know what you said to him. I also know that you did it on purpose to distract him."

"Really?" she asked. "What made you think so?" she smirked.

"Pansy, you've messed with me enough as it is. Now for God's sake tell me the real reason!"

"Someone is conky today." she smirked.

"And it's not you I saved. It's the dragon." she said after a while.

"You have a...thing for dragons?" Harry asked skeptically.

"You tell anyone and the next thing you know, you'll gonna lose your legs."

Harry laughed despite himself.

"And hands." she said threateningly. "And eyes. And ears. And everything. You're gonna lose everything."

"Okay, okay." Harry lifted his arms in the air to show surrender. "I get it. You don't have to say anything anymore."

Sabrina smiled at him.
Harry felt, odd, somehow? Seeing Pansy smiling at him- he never knew how beautiful she was.

What I care if she's beautiful or not? She's Pansy Parkinson. Just a sly Slytherin, he thought. Probably Draco sent her here so that I can't spy on him.

But I'll spy on him and find out what's going on. Why Draco wanted that box and why Pansy is acting weird.
Harry didn't know when he started frowning while zoning out.

Truth was, Sabrina had nothing for dragons. They were just a creature to her. But she couldn't possibly let Harry know that.

He looks even cuter when he frowns, she thought.

Note: Sorry I'm not writing the events chronologically. I hope you will be okay with that.😀

#April 24,2021,9:28 pm

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