Part 8

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Neville felt like someone had zipped his mouth shut with glue, for he couldn't compose a word.

"FJKSM" he said.

Ginny smiled and kissed him.

He didn't know what to do until his conscious kicked back in and he kissed her back.

"Now what was that?" she pulled back after a while, laughing.

"Um... I'm sorry..I didn't mean.." he started, but she cut in. "If you didn't participate, I would break your skull."

"But..Dean said.."

"And I'm going to keep my word. I won't break up with him, but he will."

Neville shook his head in disbelief.
Dean was watching them; his glass got shattered by the sheer pressure of his palm.

"I'm sorry," a blonde girl said.

"Why did she do that? What did I do? What was my fault?" he asked, his voice rough.

"It's not about you, it's about her." she told him.

"Okay, I admit it I was a little late. But does that mean she has to break up with me?" he proceeded,as if he hadn't heard her.

"Of course not." she said. "She broke up with you because she is not interested in you."

"She hasn't broke up with me yet!" Dean protested.

"Er... I'm not so sure about that."

"And who are you?" Dean asked, facing her. "Why are you interrupting my solitude?"

"Sabrina Spellman, at your service." the girl gave a quick bow. "Is this your first break up? Then I can help you overcoming it." she said.

"And why are you so happy at the fact that she dumped me?" he asked. "What do you have to do with us?"

She leaned in. "I heard she had a crush on Potter." she whispered.

"Harry?" Dean asked, surprised. He never knew that. But then again, she didn't know many things about Ginny.

Sabrina nodded.

"And I thought she still liked him. I thought he liked her too. But seeing them two.." she indicated at Ginny, "They're endgame."

Dean stared at her, open-mouthed.

"Excuse me, I still don't understand your gain from this scenario." he said finally.

"My gain?" Sabrina feigned surprise. "What could I possibly gain from this scenario?" she laughed. "You're hilarious, Dean."

"You're not helping-" Dean frowned.

"Oh yes, about the post break up thingy- " she tried to change the topic. "Just go and swear at her face"


"You heard what I said. By the way, your hands are full of blood. You can't go to her in this state." She pulled out her wand. "She'd think you are a hopeless romantic."

She casted a spell, and immediately the skin started to heal itself.

"How did you do that?" Dean asked in awe.

"Told you, "at your service". I didn't lie." she said.

"But...they haven't teach this one in our classes yet! How do you know that?"

"Who told you I'm from your class?" Sabrina said, crossing her hands over her chest.

"But.." Dean stopped. He now remembered that the girl hadn't tell him which year she was from.

"Are you from seventh year?" he asked.

"I'm not from around here. I didn't go to hogwarts." she said flatly.

"But then," he asked. "how come you know so much about us?"

"I didn't say anything that I couldn't see." she said. "Now, will you take my advice?"

"What advice?" Dean started, but then he remembered what she was talking about.

"I'm not going to swear at her face, I would just ask her the reason."

Sabrina directed her hands towards them, indicating you're welcome.

Dean walked towards them.

"Why did you do this, Ginny?" he asked.

"Two reasons. First, you pushed me when we were entering the common room yesterday, which irritated the heck out of me." Ginny looked at him and said, as if she were waiting for him.

"I didn't push-" Dean protested. Ginny held out a hand to stop him.

"And you lied. I would easily forgive you if you just admitted your fault."

"But how could I admit to something that I haven't-" Dean started, but she cut him off.

"Second, you showed up late. I waited for you for forty-nine minutes and thirty seconds. Is that what was supposed to happen?"

"You can't accuse me for one little accident."

"Accident?" Ginny asked. "What happened to you that you showed up late?"

"That's what I'm saying!" Dean cried out in exasperation. "I was playing wizards chess with Ron, and I forgot that we were supposed to go out today."

"Then perhaps you should date Ron instead of me."

Dean huffed in annoyance. "You're too difficult to deal with, Ginny." Then looking at Neville, he said, "I thought we were friends, Neville."

He started to walk away.
"Hey Dean!" Ginny called out. "Are you breaking up with me?"

Dean looked at her, surprised.

"Of course I am. Isn't that what you wanted?"

Ginny shrugged.

Looking at Neville, she winked, "See, I told you."

#April 20, 2021, 9:50 pm

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