Part 15

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Luna shrieked. "Nargles! They took my shoes!" The party was end, and Harry and Luna came out outside to look for their shoes among other witches and wizards.

Harry looked around awkwardly, trying to see if anyone was within earshot.

"Um..take my shoes, Luna." Harry offered her his shoes.

"No, that's okay. I can walk barefoot." she said in a soft voice.

"It's cold outside, Luna. Wear my shoes."

"And what about you?" she asked.

"I'm wearing socks. Hopefully that'll work."

"Thanks Harry." she beamed. "I love you so much!"

Harry's ears went red. He again looked around to see if anyone was within earshot. "Er.." he stammered. "Okay." he said. "Let's go."
Draco sat at the steps outside the room, eavesdropping.

Luna loves Harry? he thought.
"Bye Harry. I'll remember to return your shoes first thing in the morning."
she said as they parted ways.

"No need for that." Harry said hastily. He was afraid Luna might crash in his dormitory, a event which would lead everyone to make fun of him and her. After all, she was friends with Ginny; if she wanted to break in their common room, she would simply have to ask Ginny about it.

"Keep it to yourself. You don't need to return it to me." he decided to tell at last.

"Oh, you are so kind Harry!" Luna said in her dreamy voice. "I'll better be off then," she said and left.
Luna sprinted towards the end of the hallway. "There's my shoes!" she said in excitement.

When she got closer, a figure was lurking in the shadows.

"Finished enjoying the party?" he said coldly.

"Draco?" she said uncertainly.

"Who did you expect? Potter?"

"When did I say that?" Luna asked, astonished. "Wait a minute, what are you doing here at this hour? Aren't you supposed to be in the dungeons?"

"I didn't know you were one of the cronies of Argus Flich." he smirked.

"I'm not his 'crony'. I'm just curious." she crossed her hands over her chest defensively.

"Typical Ravenclaw."

Luna stared at him, trying to decipher what he was up to. He stared at her with equal intensity. At the end, she gave up on finding the hidden meaning and said instead, "The Nargles stole my shoes. Look where they put it." She pointed at the ceiling overhead.

"What are Nargles?" Draco feigned surprise.

"They are very naughty creatures.They steal peoples' belongings." she said as if she were lecturing a child. "They steal my shoes everytime they get a chance." she said sadly.

"Why they steal only your shoes?" he asked. "Why don't they steal from others?"

"I don't know how their mind works!" Luna said crossly. "Maybe they are annoyed at me for being able to see their naughty behaviors!"

She pointed her wand at the ceiling. The binds came off, and the shoes slowly descended on the floor.



"Can you answer me a question?"

"I'll try to."

"Do you think I'm a bad guy?"

Luna considered for a while. Finally, she said,"What your father did was terrible. Harry nearly died there. We all did. If Dumbledore and the others didn't come and save us that day, I wouldn't be able to have this conversation with you today."

Harry Potter And The Teenage WitchWhere stories live. Discover now