Part 4

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Ron and Hermione went to patrol the corridors. Seeing as had nothing to do, Harry went out to stroll the corridors with marauders map on his hand.

Light shone luminously in the lanterns put on the walls of Hogwarts. Harry smiled inwardly as he spotted two names: 'Ronald Weasley' and 'Hermione Granger' walking side by side. Harry spotted Malfoy in the Slytherin common room. Albus Dumbledore was in his office, with Severus Snape? Harry didn't trust Snape a bit. He wondered what Dumbledore could possibly have to do with that bat.

Harry slammed with something, or (someone?) hard.

"Ouch!" he said, stroking his head.

"Watch where you're going!" a girl bellowed.

Harry looked up. "Pansy?" he said, surprised before disgusted.

"Yes. Believe it or not, this school is also mine. I have every bit of right as you to walk on this ground."

"I didn't say you don't have." said Harry quietly.

She rolled her eyes. "What's that?" she asked, eyeing the map.

"None of your concern." said Harry sternly.

"Whoa! Easy, Potter. I'm not going to shred you to pieces. Though I won't say I don't have the ability to do so, because that would be a lie; let's just say I'm sparing you for your own sake."

"As if." Harry snorted. "Well, Your dear boyfriend once challenged me in a duel and fled. Would you be any better?"

"You'd be surprised." she said. "Well, care to demonstrate your power, chosen one?

"Well, at least I got a name. Do you have other names rather than 'Draco Malfoy's Girlfriend' ?" Harry air quoted. "I don't think so."

She laughed. "Looks like someone's jealous."

"Jealous?" Harry acted flabbergasted. "Who or what should I be jealous about?"

"That he's got a girlfriend while you don't." she told him. "I heard your dating life didn't go exactly smooth."

"If being single means I can get off a parasite of my shoulder, then I prefer to be single, thanks." Harry said sourly. "Get off my way, Pansy."

"I'm not blocking your way. You can go whenever you wish to part from me." she said slyly.

Huffing, Harry strode aside her.

"Hey Harry!" she called out from behind.

"What?" he asked, annoyance dripping out from his voice.

"You've got nice sharp cheekbones. I wonder why girls aren't out there swooning for you."

"Thanks for the compliment, Pansy. Though I think these cheekbones would come in handy in shaping Voldemort's nose rather than wooing girls." Smirking, he added, "Don't you agree?"

"I'm sorry, I lost track after you mentioned nose. I'm now having a wild imagination about you and The Dark Lord, where you snog his nose."

Annoyed, Harry left without saying another world.

If he looked back, he would see her smiling despite herself.

After a while, he looked at the map. He traced a name that he was sure he never heard or saw before. The name was in the corridor, slightly afar from his one. The person was going to the dungeon.

I wonder who Sabrina Spellman is, he thought.

#April 18,2021 ,4:29 pm

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