11:: 𝑷𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒇𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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𝑃𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑓𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡

It's already been a week since you came to LA, and you and Jimin did nothing but work, Eunji and Jungkook let you both be for a week and then thought of making you both go out, they thought you both would share a bed and get physically close but somehow came to know that you both were using the couch too on alternative days.

So now their plan was to make you both spend more time together without working.

Eunji asked your secretary and got your schedule for the month and planned when and where to go. In this one week, Eunji and Jungkook got closer spending more time together.

You threw yourself on the bed, feeling exhausted after a long day, you went to different places to meet different client's today, "tiring day?" Jimin asked as you hummed in response. "How was your day?" You asked, "it's been the same for one whole week, same boring," he said closing his laptop he was working on.

"I am sorry that you had to come with me and waste your time," you said sitting up looking at Jimin who was sitting on the couch. "It's okay y/n, we both are in this together and you don't have to ask sorry," he assured you, how kind and caring he is, you thought.

"And I got to concentrate more on our project this time, I even completed those files today," he said smiling, "oh my God! Really?! It would have at least taken a month, and you said it would take you two weeks when we were on the flight!" You said shocked, you ran to him and sat next to him on the couch.

"I had nothing to do other than that since I am not in Korea," he chuckled at your shocked expression.

"Send the files to me, I will check them once and send it to my Director so that he could carry on with the next step," you said, "didn't you say you were tired?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.

"It's okay, work comes first," you said, getting up, to get your laptop from your bag. "Typical workaholic," Jimin chuckled and grabbed your wrist, making you sit back on the couch.

"Your health comes first y/n, don't overwork yourself, let's eat something and sleep," he said, this was new to you, your mom and Eunji were the only ones who used to advise you to take care of yourself, and sometimes your grandpa, but this was the first time someone else was doing this and it warmed your cold heart.

You nodded, not wanting to talk back, "I will order, the same order for you?" He asked you nodded a yes again.

You and Jimin had dinner in your room while talking about some random things other than business, it didn't get personal though, you both were slowly becoming friends, the bond between you both was getting stronger slowly yet steadily.

You and Jimin didn't realise how you both have started to get closer to each other, not physically but your hearts were getting closer, how you both started with talking only about business when you first met but now you both talk about how your day was and taking care of each other not making the other one notice that you do. How you both were not minding each other's presence at first but now you both were growing a fondness to each other's presence.

All these years you didn't know if you could smile this much after everything that happened to you, and Jimin didn't know that he would like to do something other than work and that something was spending time with you. Maybe you both were two lost pieces who were unknowingly searching for another half to complete itself.

The next morning

"Good morning y/n," Jimin greeted with his smile, wow I am being greeted by an angel every day, you thought to yourself.

"Good morning Jimin," you smiled and rubbed away the sleep from your eyes. "How do you always manage to wake up early?" You asked, as he always wakes up early and brings you a coffee when you wake up. He chuckled, "I am a light sleeper unlike you who sleeps like a pig," he laughed, "you didn't," "oh I did," he smirked waiting for you to react, "you are playing with fire Mr Park," you said getting up and stood on the bed.

"Oh you do look hot like fire Mrs Park," he said eyeing you up and down, you were wearing a pyjama shirt and shorts which was the same length as your shirt that you used to wear in the night, his gaze didn't make you uncomfortable but blush, but you didn't want to seem weak in front of him, so you took a pillow and hit it right on his face, he didn't sense it coming as he was busy checking out his wife.

"You have started a war y/n, you can't back off now," he said, grabbing the pillow from the ground and stood up on the bed in front of you. You took a pillow too and the pillow fight started, you both kept hitting each other with the pillow as the cotton flew everywhere in the room making it messy, but you couldn't care less about it, you both were enjoying your time.

When you tried to step a little back, you slipped and was about to fall back and when Jimin tried to catch you, he too fell on you since the bed was too bouncy to maintain balance.

You fell on the bed with Jimin on top of you as you both started to laugh, you never laughed this much in the past years as you are laughing now.

You both were so close to each other that you didn't know where you ended and he began, but it was comfortable that you didn't realise you were this close to each other. But soon when the realisation dawned upon you both, you and Jimin stopped laughing, you both had an intense eye contact so lost in each other's eyes, didn't see the time going by.

But when you realised you were staring at him for a long time and his body was pressed against yours, you quickly pushed him off and ran to the bathroom to hide your red cheeks and your heart which was beating at an inhuman pace. You closed the door and slid against it clutching the fabric near your chest feeling your fast heartbeats.

Jimin chuckled and mumbled 'cute', he himself didn't know what was happening to him, just like you, what are you doing to me y/n? He asked to himself, ruffling his own hair and laughed later feeling his fast heartbeats.

You and Jimin made your way downstairs with Eunji and Jungkook to have breakfast together, "let's go out today," Eunji said munching on her food. "Where?" You asked, "to the beach," Jungkook said, "I am here for work, kook," you said, "y/n, come on, how can you come to LA and not enjoy?" Eunji whined, "I don't even have anything to wear other than my work attire with me," you shrugged, "Then let's go shopping today and we will go out from tomorrow," Jungkook excitedly said, "from?" Jimin raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, we have a lot of places to go here, so we will go whenever Noona is free," Jungkook said, Jimin just nodded, he didn't have much to do so he didn't have a reason to not agree.

"I see Eunji got my schedule form, Ms Kim," you said scoffing and continued eating. "Fine I will come, or else you kids won't let me live in peace," you announced, "we aren't kids," Eunji complained while Jungkook pouted, "see, only kids pout like this," Jimin pointed, him being on your side.

Eunji facepalmed, "stop being a baby for once Jungkook," she said as Jungkook started to be all cute again after Eunji said she liked the old Jungkook that day. "Yah! Didn't you tell me that you liked the cute me better?" He said, while you and Jimin we're eating and watched the drama going on in front of you.

"Ugh! Whatever," Eunji said, taking a sip of her juice, "but I can also make a baby when we are in bed, you know?" Jungkook smirked at her while she choked on her juice. "My holy ears, I am leaving," you covered your ears as you got up with your work bag and Jimin left with you. "I seriously don't know what to do with you, your duality is insane," Eunji sighed.

Hey... I am sorry for not keeping up with my posting schedule, my online classes has started now that I can't find time for anything else, I won't be much active for a few days, but I will try to be back soon. Thank you💖

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