Love Me - Part 1

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The pounding rain on the roof makes it sound like the roof is about to cave in. Almost frightening but the sound of rain soothes me.

I miss Dylan most on days like these. We used to cuddle up by the fire with our mugs of hot cocoa, watching either The Mets game or highlights, in which he insisted on or we would watch a movie in which I insisted on.

For lonely people, rain is a chance to be touched.

I haven't seen Dylan since he left to promote his new movie, two months ago.

Like ice melts in the rain, love turns into pain.

Him and I haven't been on great terms recently. We barely see eye to eye. We're always arguing about something or another. He's been really snappy lately. We were like fire and water, hating each other.

I can't just give up on him because the situation is not ideal. No relationship is perfect. It just takes two people who care enough to make it work.

That's exactly what I'm doing. Today is our anniversary. When he comes home, he's going to be completely surprised with all the hard work I've put in.

I've cooked all of his favorite food, decorated the home with lit scented candles, scattered rose petals on the floor and some soothing music.

I even cleaned up, to make myself look presentable. I had a hot shower, straightened my hair, wore the dress that he likes the most, I even put on my fancy lingerie just for him.

All that is left, is for him shooting through that door, running into my arms and attacking me kisses and him constantly telling how much that he had missed me.

Everything is going to be perfect tonight.

But at the same time, nothing is truly perfect. Perfection simply does not exist.

My phone abruptly rang. It was him.

 It was him

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"Hey, sweetie."

"Is everything okay? You're coming home right?"

"Not right now. Do you remember Parker?"

"Yeah. You guys went to high school together. What about him?"

"I met him at the airport. We're going to hangout, get some couple drinks. I'll be home late tonight."

"But Dyl, it's our-"

"Goodbye, love."

And just like that, the call ended.
I miss the time when he just wanted to spend every second with me but now, on our anniversary, he would rather spend it with Parker.

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