Chapter 30. Massacre

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I stepped inside Mearing her apartment. It was clear something really nasty had occurred here. Blood was everywhere, furniture was broken. Skye really chased the rabbit. I halted and stared at Mearings' decapitated corpse. 'Where's her head?' Sunstreaker whispered. 'Maybe she took it as a trophy?' I glanced at my twin. 'Why would she do that? Doesn't make any sense,' he muttered and passed me. He crouched down. 'Her work is sloppy though. She didn't do it one clean slice.' He pointed at the edges of flesh.

'Thank you for the extra information, Sherlock,' I scowled. 'She probably used something like an ax, but you need quite some strength to cut through the bone in one sweep. My guess, she lost quite some strength.' He got up and looked around. 'It doesn't matter, she did it anyway. She's probably going after Lennox next,' I said. 'I doubt that...' I raised a brow. 'Why so?'

'We can try to set her up. You know she hates me because of what I did to her, right?' I nodded slowly. 'You think she comes after you next?' He shrugged. 'She won't make a change. It's suicide. I think she's going after Lennox,' I stated. 'You wanna bet?' I shot him a glare. 'This is serious. I am not gonna bet on your life or Lennox,' I scowled. He shrugged. 'Sloppy job, but not too bad for a probe.' My brother smirked as he pointed at the corpse.

'I want her back, so can we focus and push your obsession with killing aside?' I scowled. Sunstreaker gave me an arrogant look. We left the Mearing's place. 'I didn't like Mearing anyway, so...' my brother shrugged. 'Typical for you to say that.' Sunstreaker didn't respond. 'She might go after Lennox next. He's an 'easier' target than you are and I guess she wants to make sure he's dead before you decided to kill her,' I muttered. Sunstreaker hummed. 'Maybe, but we can still set her up.'

'I don't think she's gonna fall for that. She's the smartest girl I know. She knows things before they actually happen. How are you going to set her up?' I asked. Sunstreaker became quiet again. 'That's what I mean... now let's focus on Lennox instead, okay?' Sunstreaker sighed and nodded 'fine.'

We drove back to the base. I was concerned about the femme and about my brothers' obsession with killing. I can only hope he doesn't have any dark thoughts in mind. Skye is giving him some inspiration and he doesn't care as much about Lennox's family as the other Autobots. Once we arrived, we had an emergency debriefing.'

'Any luck?'
'No, but I have to admit. She was quite brutal. Sloppy work, but for the first time with an ax, I guess she did okay,' my brother said. He got a nasty glare from Prime. 'And of course, I feel bad for Mearing. All jokes aside.' He raised his hands in peace. I gave my brother a look. He couldn't be more sarcastic. 'Ironhide is with the Lennox family right now. It's important to find her. Twins, try to locate her as quickly as possible. I don't care at this point how you do it. Find her, sedate her and bring her here.'

'This isn't her fault. I mean, it is but this is not fully her fault. You all made her like this. She's hurt in many ways. Especially for locking her up. She won't stop hurting people. She will get to Lennox either way.'
'Than make sure that doesn't happen,' Ratchet growled. 'You still don't understand, do you?' I snapped while getting up. 'Why would I return her to the base? So you can drug her again? Lock her up?' I snapped. I started to lose my patience. 'She is dangerous, Sideswipe. We might don't have a choice,' Ratchet snapped back. 'Yeah! Well maybe if you didn't let her down in the first place, none of this would've happened!' I screamed and slammed my fist on the table. A deadly silence followed.

My entire body was shaking with rage and frustration. 'She trusts me, and I won't ruin that so I can please any of you,' I spat. 'I am going to bring her back, in my way. Every death is your fault!' I pointed at Prime. 'You should've stepped up for her. You should've believed her when she told you things. This is your fault. I never would've let this happen. She deserved better and she definitely didn't deserve to be treated so poorly after all she has been through. You knew she has trust issues and you still neglected her.'

I turned around. 'I don't need any of your help, Prime! I am going to do it my way and I will treat her the way I want to treat her! Don't count on my help when she kidnapped Lennox's family. You can solve it yourself. This is your mess and your problem,' I snapped. 'And you!' I pointed at my brother. 'You can either help me and shut the fuck up or stay here with these traitors,' I snapped. He raised his hands in peace. He's not impressed with my anger eruption.

'I'll help you.'

'Good.' I left the slammed the door shut behind us. 'You had to get that out?' I tried to shake off the feeling. 'Yeah.'
'Nothing for you.' I didn't reply. 'What are you gonna do once you found her?' Finally, a question that didn't include his dark and twisted ideas about killing. 'Not sure... I will see what will happen. I first need to locate her and I am pretty sure she'll go after Lennox.'

'You might be too late... you know that, right?'
'I am going to save her, Sunstreaker. I love her. I won't let her down as everyone else did,' I stated. My brother doubted me. He never doubted me. 'What?' He shook his head and forced a weak smile on his face. 'You're right, let's find her before she does something really stupid,' he said.

My brother and I tried to locate her all day without success. She's like a ghost. We tried everything but apparently, Skye is really good at staying under the radar. I slumped back in the office chair. 'Where can she be?' I groaned. Sunstreaker never got the chance to answer me. A soldier burst through the door. 'It's Skye! She badly injured Sarah and abducted Annabel. She's going to murder her!'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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