Chapter 28. I keep my word

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'Why didn't you tell me the truth?'

I turned my head a little to look at my brother. 'You never would've accepted it and you treated her like trash. I didn't believe you would've supported me or her. It all doesn't matter anymore. She's broken and the only thought who would listen to me turned his back towards me.' I got up. 'Sideswipe.' Sunstreaker grabbed both my shoulders. 'You should've told me. Regardless what I would think, okay? We are twins, we are supposed to share things.'

'The only way to make it up to me is to change what happened, but you can't. You drugged her! You betrayed her and therefore, you betrayed me as well. I thought you were on our side.'
'I am sorry. I didn't know you fell in love with that monster. I am sorry.' I shot him a glare. 'If you were genuine, you never would've called her a monster. You see,
You don't give a damn shit about her.' I pushed him out of the way. 'Where are you going?'

'I am going to visit Skye. I don't wanna see you right now or anyone else. I am so mad, honestly, I want to punch your face right now.' I slammed the door shut behind me and deactivated my holoform. I managed to clear my head a little.

Skye was still sitting in the same corner as if she hadn't moved. 'Hey...' I crouched down and softly grasped her hand. She snorted and looked away. 'Look at me...' I lifted her head. 'I got you something.' I reached for my pocket and held up a candy bar. She snorted and took it. 'You remembered,' I mumbled. 'Yup, I did.' I sat down next to her and carefully wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

She leaned into my chest and pulled her knees higher up. She was oddly calm, I had expected her to be mad at me or something. 'You're not mad at me?' I mumbled. 'No, it's not your fault,' she whispered. 'You know it's okay to cry, right,' I mumbled. She snorted, 'I don't cry over silly things. I don't cry in general.' I rolled my eyes. 'I don't believe that... you will never admit it, but your feelings are hurt and you've all the right to feel that way.'

'I do feel betrayed and I will get my revenge.'

'Please don't. Sweetspark, you can't start killing people. It's wrong, regardless what happened.' She didn't reply. 'You only gives them more reasons to hate you,' I added quietly. 'It doesn't matter. They can't hate me more than they already do. I shook my head. 'You shouldn't say that. People make mistakes and this was Mearing's mistake. She decided to dump you here.'

'They all agreed, Sideswipe.'

She got up and paced around. 'I didn't agree.'
'You were the only one. Every one of them let it happen. I know I am not easy to handle. I know that... I am not at the base to make friends.' I slowly got back up on my feet. 'At yet you befriended me. I never thought that would happen either. When we met, I thought you were going to murder me.'

'I didn't hate you... I was scared to lose what I had with Sunstreaker because I thought I could trust him. I hate it when he bosses me around or tries to dominate me but he did gave me some sort of security and brave enough to argue with me.'
'You don't need someone to argue with. You need someone who understands you... like me.'

She slightly cocked her head to the side. 'Anyway, I have to go.' Her face turned from curiosity to frustration and irritation again. 'I am sorry.' She turned her head away. 'Sweetspark.' I grabbed her arms and forced her to look at me. She looked bad. If it wasn't for her spirit and strength, she would've died already. I know she's sick, I know her wounds are infected and I know she needs medical attention. Her skin was ashen and her eyes were glassy and dull. She has never had much weight, but now it looked like she was all skin and bones. Probably because of the stress and lack of medial attention and food. She would never admit she has stress.

'I'll be back soon...' I kissed her cheek. It didn't seem to do much. 'Please, don't be mad at me.' She yanked her arms free. 'I won't be here when you get back, Sideswipe. I am going to escape and I am going to kill a few people.' I sighed softly. 'I'll be back in the morning, with some proper food, okay?'

I kissed her forehead this time before leaving. An unsettling feeling overwhelmed as I shut the door behind me. Somewhere deep down, I knew she has the ability to escape, but I didn't want to believe it. This area is secured. Before I can help her leave this place, I first needed to find a way to make her realize that her dark and twisted ideas won't do much good. She'll regret it eventually.

I drove back to base. Lennox was busy talking to Epps but approached me when he spotted me. He kept at least two feet between us. Just in case I would charge at him again. Not today. I am not in the mood to punch him back to Cybertron and I did it last day anyway. It felt good to punch his jaw. I did a good job on it too. His jaw was slightly swollen and had a purple color.

'Did you speak to Skye?'
'I did but why do you care? Scared she'll kill you?'
'No. What did she say?'
'Nothing special. She's just really pissed off.'
'She's always pissed off, Sideswipe.'
'No, it's different. You've never seen her like this before.'

Lennox slightly tilted his head. 'Can you keep her in check?' I tapped with my fingers on the roof of my alt-mode. 'Not to save your ass. I try to calm her because I don't want her to get into trouble. I am on her side, not yours. I am the verge of killing you myself. I don't even want to talk to you because I am probably gonna do things I will regret. You screwed it up.'

I passed him. 'You can't stay mad at me forever.' I snorted. 'What if someone would treat your wife like this? How would you react? Wouldn't you beat up that person or dream about killing that person?'
The major didn't rely and looked at the ground. 'There's your answer. I turned around and walked off.

I was brutally awakened the next morning by Ironhide. I transformed and shot him a nasty glare. 'Damn it! I was finally able to recharge and you wake me up at five in the morning,' I snapped. 'I wouldn't have to wake you up if it wasn't important. Apparently, Skye was right. She escaped last night and killed at least ten people in the process. She's coming after Lennox and his family for revenge.'

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