Chapter 11. Leaving?

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I watched Lennox, he sighed heavily and I knew why. Skye actually found another bass to work. Something no one expected to happen. "What are we going to do now?" Ratchet asked. "What can we do? She's eighteen," Lennox muttered. "Does it matter? She wants to go and she's a bother to us anyway," I mocked. "It does matter because she actually is an asset to our team. Everything she predicted was right. We don't know how she manages to do it, but she's talking the truth," Prowl said.

"Don't tell me that fleshy is a sidekick!" I mocked. "No, she's different. She knows things before they happen and her medical reports show traces of energon in her system. I couldn't do any research because she doesn't allow me. She's important but on the other hand, she's a pain in the ass," Ratchet sighed and shook his head. "Can't you talk to her?"

I laughed mockingly at Jazz. "Talking to her? She hates me and refused to fight with me. She's pissed..." I sulked. "She's angry because you took her place. She's jealous..." Ratchet said. "I already thought that," Optimus quietly commented. "Sucks for her," I growled. "It doesn't matter right now, she's going to leave," Lennox spoke and got up. "Let her go... I don't mind," I sulked. "We can't have this, I am going to make a phone call," he sulked. "She's not going to forgive you if you ruin her chance to work in Texas and if she finds out, she's leaving the base for sure, with or without work," Optimus reminded him.

"She will know for sure it's because of you..." Prowl added. I got up, "fine, I'll attempt to talk to Skye," I sulked and walked off, leaving the meeting room. As I walked into her room, she was facing the wall, her back turned towards the door. "Skye, we need to talk," I said, shutting the door closed. She huffed. "there's nothing to talk about, Sunstreaker!" she snapped, getting up and turned around. I halted and crossed my arms, "I am eighteen, you can't stop me!" she snapped. "Why would you leave?" I snapped. "What do you think, smartass!" she hissed and shot me a nasty glare.

"I don't want to work with you. I hate you..." she sneered. I sighed and rolled my eyes, "so you are only leaving because of me?" I mocked. "No, I have also some other reasons why I don't want to be here," she snapped. "Which are...?" she shrugged and it didn't seem that she was about to answer me. "Skye..." I warned as she turned her back towards me. "It's not your concern..." she growled. "It is... I am your guardian..." I snapped. She laughed mockingly, "who's saving who? If I didn't tell you about the bomb, which I wasn't planning to say anyway, you wouldn't be here right now!" she snarled.

"How did you know?" She shrugged and didn't respond. "You are very good at predicting things... What if people think you're working for the enemy?" I snapped. "If I worked for the Decepticons I would make sure you're the first one to die," she snarled angrily before turning away from me again. "I rather see you dead than alive..." she added under her breath. "Then why didn't you just let me die and walk straight into the trap?" I mocked. "It's not the first trap you will come across... but you're so amazing I am sure you can detect them on your own," she scowled.

I sighed heavily and tried to keep my cool. "Listen up, fleshy... you're not leaving!" I stated. "Am I not working for you? Am I not able to leave whenever I want?" she challenged and turned back towards me. "People died because of you, Skye," I snapped. "It's always my fault... if I say nothing you guys get mad and if I tell no one listens to me... even if I try to save their asses they get mad. Fuck them and fuck you!" she snarled, gave me her middle finger. I snorted and shook my head while she passed me and bumped her shoulder against mine. "Leave me alone and go kill someone. Aren't you good at it!" she snarled icily.

I shook my head and left as well. That afternoon, I was parked in the main hanger, ignoring the humans taking pics of my alt-mode and walking circles around me. They knew not to come any closer nor touch me. In the distance, I spotted a group of rookies chatting and I turned up the volume of my audio to hear what they were saying. I am always looking for juicy gossip so I can use it against people if I have to, although this group was talking about me and Skye, which interested me even more. "She's absolutely crazy... She aimed a gun at my head an hour ago," a twenty-year-old guy with dirty blonde hair huffed. "She's just angry because Sunstreaker took her place..." the other huffed, shaking his head.

"Sunstreaker is better anyway.... we don't need her anymore." The group looked at the soldier with dirty blonde hair. "It's true... she has always been a bother to us and now there's someone who puts her in place. Lennox never should have saved her... my brother was with Lennox on that mission the day they saved her. She was in very bad shape, Ratchet told Lennox that she wouldn't make it through the night. That she was alive is a miracle."
"She has always been a fighter, she still is. it's just.... she brings so many people in danger." The soldiers discussed Skye with each other which interested me. I don't know much about her. No one really did. "You know... I have seen her medical file. I once sneaked into Lennox's office to have a look at it. The things that were noted in it were so strange. My brother and I speculated over it and we think the Decepticons actually got her. Shockwave has done horrible things to her... "

My engine came to life, startling the soldiers around me. I think it's time to have a look at her medical file that Lennox took from where they experimented on her...

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