Chapter 27. Mistake

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'Sideswipe, go to sleep,' Sunstreaker sulked as he turned on his side and wrapped his arm around my waist. I rubbed his scalp. 'Stop moving so much.' I sighed, hugging my brother. 'I can't sleep,' I muttered. 'You need to sleep. Since the femme is gone you barely sleep,' he muttered. 'I miss her,' I mumbled. Sunstreaker lifted his head. 'You what?!' He lifted his head. 'I miss her.' We locked eyes. 'You miss her? That brat?' He mocked. 'Don't talk about her like this.' I sat up straight. 'We can't change anything about it tonight so...'

Sunstreaker turned his back towards me and was out two minutes later. I couldn't. I kept turning and thinking. It's oddly quiet and it felt a little weird to not have Skye around us. The next morning, I was alreadt training, trying to clear my mind. 'Sideswipe...' Ironhide scared the hell out of me. 'You are driving Jazz's patrol, he's on a mission with Mirage,' he said. 'Right,' I scowled and grabbed a towel, sweeping some sweat off my forehead. 'You are up early.' He slightly narrowed his eyes at me as if he suspected I am about to do something stupid.

'I am training, or isn't that allowed anymore?' I rolled my eyes and sat down, drinking. 'No, just surprised to see you here at seven in the morning, all sweaty and smelling. Usually you train around 3 or 4 PM, but never this early in the morning,' he said. 'I am awake since two in the morning. I can't recharge,' I muttered. 'Why don't you ask for some sleeppills then?'

'Because I don't need them. I keep on brooding and turning. I can't sleep and the sleeppills won't change that,' I muttered. 'What are you brooding about?' I shook my head. 'Something stupid... I will drive his patrol,' I muttered. Ironhide studied my face for several minutes until he nodded. 'Alright, sure...' I got up and collected my stuff. 'Is this about Skye?' I halted and turned around. 'Why do you care?' I muttered. He shrugged. I sucked in a breath before answering. 'I am mad and I am so mad that I want to kill someone for it. Mearing in particular, but I am not going to start talking about it because I am probably going to say things I will regret so...'

'You'd like to visit her?'

I turned around again. 'That's possible?' He nodded. I hummed and left. On my way back to the base, I made a stop at where they had 'dumped' Skye. I parked and hopped out, making my way in to the desk. 'I am here to visit Skye Rivera. I didn't call...' the lady looked at her computer and nodded. 'I think you can see her.' She got up and gestured for someone. A man took me with him. We ended up near a door. He opened up for me and he stepped aside to let me in.

I saw scratches on the walls, death threats and blood. 'Skye?' She was sitting in the corner, staring at me like she was possesed. I have never seen so much hate in somebody's eyes. It wasn't even angry anymore. It was a murderous look. I don't even want to know what is going in her dark and twisted mind. 'Skye...' She still stared at me. Her muscules tensed. I crouched down, a yard away from her. I felt like if I did come closer, she would scratch my face open or try to strangle me. 'Skye, hey... say something,' I whispered. Her face was bruised, her hands were bleeding and her wrists had deep nasty wounds. Probably from the cuffs. It only showed how much strengh she had used to escape.

'I never wanted this to happen. I tried to sneak you out and I tried to change their minds. Please, believe me. I am telling you the truth.' The last piece of sanity she had left, had vanished. 'I am going to murder them all...' I shook my head. 'Sweetspark...' I grabbed her blood and stone cold hands. 'All of them... one by one...' I squeezed her hands softly. 'Look at me.' Her eyes landed on me. 'I have seen your other side. I know you can be sweet and I want to help you. I trust you on the battlefield and I trust your instincts. You're good, let me help you.'

'We are beyond that, Sideswipe. Tell them... that I will escape soon and I will murder them all. Every each one them. Painfully and slowly and that if they want me to stop, they should pull the trigger and shoot me.' I shivered. 'I am even willing to make a deal with Megatron if it means I can get my revenge,' she snarled. 'Skye, don't do this. Don't switch sides. You wouldn't do that. I know you wouldn't.' She snorted, 'go back to base Sideswipe. For as long as you can call it your home,' she sneered. I slowly got up and left without saying anything else. I thought that if I visited Skye, it would make me feel better but I felt even worse. She's broken. I was sure that I could help her if I had more time. I could've changed her mind.

I drove back to base. Never in my entire life did I feel as angry as I did now. I stormed over to Lennox and punched his jaw with all the strengh I had. 'You broke her!' My scream echoed through the entire hanger. Optimus tightly grabbed me, pulling me away. 'You broke her!'
'This is enough, Sideswipe!' Optimus shot me a glare. My body was shaking with fury. 'Sideswipe, bro... what the hell.' Sunstreaker forced me to look at him. 'You don't know what you've done. It's all your fault! If you had my back! None of this would've happened,' I spat. I slammed my brother against the pillar. 'What the hell are you talking about!' He sneered.

'I am talking about Skye. I visited her half an hour ago. She's going to murder everyone! You haven't seen what I saw! I said I needed more time! I could've helped her! You all ruined her!'
'She was already broken when she got here, Sideswipe,' Lennox said as he wiped some blood of his lip. 'No, she wasn't. Now she's broken. She's coming after you and your entire family. She will kill everyone. Your name was written in blood on the wall. She is willing to make a deal with Megatron and who says she hasn't done that already? She knows everything, all our secrets and strategies. Megatron will love this... If anyone just had listened to me, none of this would've happened in the first place. Skye and I had something special and I could've used it to change her but you all agreed to dump her and now it's too late.'

'Who says she wasn't using you!' Lennox snapped. 'Because I sincerely liked her. At first I didn't, until I figured out the truth. I fell in love with her and she had her moments, but she has treated me differently. I didn't intend to hurt her. She was there for me when I needed her and I couldn't even return the favor. When I was injured, she patched me up and motivated me. What do you know? You don't know how I spend my time with her and we did together. You don't know anything and guess what, I won't be guarding your front door because this all your fault. If she gets you, it's all because of you!' I turned around and stormed off.

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