Chapter 25. Cocky

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I grabbed the pills from the drawer. I hoped it would help against the horrible headache that made me feel horrible and like trash. "Are you okay?" I gazed at Sideswipe and nodded. "You don't look really fine..." he pushed. I glared at him and he quickly raised his hands. "I am sorry... didn't mean to piss you off..." he muttered. I shrugged and turned away from him. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"Just a little walk... alone and get some food. I need some fresh air..."
"Ah... so you are feeling better, huh? Well... we can go to Dunking Donuts or whatever..." he said. "I actually meant... going alone. Without you, or Sunstreaker..." I added. Sideswipe bit his lip, "I don't know..." he said. "It's my life... you are not my babysitter..." I replied bluntly before turning around. "Sunstreaker won't like it..." he trailed off.

"It's always about what Sunstreaker wants. As long as he's happy it's all fine... now if you excuse me..." I pushed him aside and exited the room. "Sunstreaker is just worried about you... didn't you stress him out enough?" he asked. "Stress him out?" I asked, nearly laughing at the statement. "Sideswipe! Sunstreaker is just another front liner..." I snapped. "He's not 'just' another front liner... he's the best..."

"Yeah... see you later..." I scowled and pushed him aside. Heading for the gate. The soldiers didn't argue with me as they opened the barrier so I could leave. They know better which is a relief for me. I am not in the mood to argue or fight with people today. I actually felt really moody and grumpy.

At Dunkin Donuts, I got a donut and a little further I got my drink. Organic juice.
I settled in the park with the sun falling on my face as it started to rise. I left my phone at the base on purpose so no one was able to track me. I always need to reckon with Sunstreaker, which is so annoying sometimes. As long as he isn't angry, it's fine. I know what he can do when he's pissed.

Once done, I threw everything in the trashcan and shove my hands in the pockets of my high waist jeans, walking around town, and even ended up in the mall. I wandered around, trying on some things, and even bought some new lingerie and clothing. Leaving the mall, I nearly immediately bumped into the yellow Lambo parked in the parking lot. "I should have known this..." Sunstreaker said,-- leaning against his alt-mode.

I rolled my eyes and decided to ignore him. "Hop in, Skye... or I show your lingerie in the main hanger to everyone..." he snapped. I shot him a nasty glare before walking over to him. "You are such a jerk, Sunstreaker!" I snapped. He hit my cheek, "get in, punk!" he scowled before hopping in himself. We said nothing as he drove off and eventually pulled over before arriving at the base. "Give me the bags..."

"Why--" I couldn't even finish.
"Give it to me!" he sneered. I flinched and handed them the bags. He opened the white one and grabbed the clothes inside. "Hmm..." he said, looking at it before looking through the other bags. "Nice lingerie... just a shame you won't wear it anytime soon... or any of these other clothes"

"What?! Why?"
I started to get angry again. "Because you left... ignoring Sideswipe once again, left your phone at the base and didn't tell any of us where you were going..."

"I don't need a baby sitter, Sunstreaker..."
He slammed my forehead into his dash. I whimpered in pain, especially because the headache of this morning hadn't fully gone. "You're the biggest idiot of all!" I snapped, rubbing my sore head.

"So are you!"

I didn't look at him during our drive. Back at the base, I stormed off. Too angry to talk to anyone or see anyone. Lennox didn't even attempt to approach me, which is a wise idea since he's my last favorite person right now. I glared at Sideswipe in process, "happy!" I sneered before pushing him aside the slammed the door of my room shut.

((Sideswipe's P.O.V))

"Sunny what did you do...?"

My brother sighed heavily. "Stupid femme!" He scowled. I shook my head. "I just want her to tell us where she's going! Is that so hard?" He snapped. "No, but you are pushing her away..." I said. "She is right... we don't need to watch her twenty-four seven..." I said quietly.

"I'll decided that for myself, Sideswipe!"

I sighed and watched my twin storm off. Great! Absolutely great. Skye is pissed, Sunny is pissed and the whole atmosphere is just to die for. Skye's behavior doesn't only affect us, but also the entire base. She's terrorizing everyone, yelling and snapping. We have no idea what to do with her. Sunny is running out of options and that never happened before.

I later caught up with Suns because of a meeting. Nothing special, just a weekly meeting with some Autobots and soldiers. Didn't happen often, but sometimes Mearing or General Morshower joined too. Like today.

I sat next to my brother and we talked quietly about some random stuff but I noticed he was quite tired. " I murmured as he rubbed his eyes for the second time this minute. "I feel fine..."
I rubbed his back before turning towards Mearing who started the whole meeting and soon the topic 'Skye' dropped. "She's terrorizing the base..." Mearing said.

Sunstreaker grunted, "I know... and I am working on it... it's just hard because she's so cocky."
"Then try harder..." Mearing snapped. "The only reason you're not dealing with her is because you can't! Don't blame my brother, he's been tired lately and Skye isn't really easy to handle. Any idea how long it took her to accept me?"

Mearing shot me an angry glare and so did Prime. Sunstreaker laid his hand on my arm to shut me up. "It's just hard... sometimes she's really peaceful and easy going but it can change within seconds. Sometimes there's not even a reason for her to change."

"Then give her sedative..."
Mearing wouldn't dust suggest this without having a good reason. Apparently she's completely done with Skye and her behavior. "You want to drug her?" Ratchet nearly mockingly. "Yes!" She stated firmly.

"It will make her drowsy... if we need her at the battlefield she probably won't be able to fight excuse of the sedative..." Ratchet added. There fell a silence, "well... let's vote..." a soldier said. I shifted a little uncomfortable, "I mean... we don't really need her anymore now we have the twins..."

Sunstreaker and I looked at each other. He was right, but it just didn't feel right. "It will piss her off... she already feels like we replaced her... she doesn't see it as a partnership."
The soldier looked at me, "Sides... isn't true what she thinks? You guys are replacing her... who cares if she gets drowsy or not? I mean, she won't be a bother anymore..."

People didn't really disagree or agreed. "Fine, whatever... just give it to her..." my brother scowled before getting up. "Yeah, Sides and I replaced her and she's a bother to all of us... so... just drug and if we can get rid of her we will... apparently we can't get to an agreement but I am sick of it so do it before I'll slice open her throat!" He spat out before storming off.

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