20. In The Bleak Morning Light.

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When the second sun of Naboo crested the sky it chose to shine it's brilliant rays directly on your face.

You rolled over with a groan, the bed was empty but what was new, he had stayed with you that night, muttering calming words when you awoke in a haze of terror. 

But he left, couldn't face you in the morning- didn't want to.

You didn't blame him, your hair was a mess and your morning breath was likely not to be trifled with.

You padded to the bathroom, naked and feeling as exhausted as you were the night before, you supposed sex with Kylo Ren did that to a person.

He was rough, unpolished in an impossibly masculine way, perhaps he had shiny layers underneath, you weren't sure you cared. 

He certainly didn't, the sexual tension between you was the shallow depth you were treading, there was really no need to plunge deeper. 

You were a prisoner, and he your captor.

It was with this firm understanding that you were able to feel an amount of satisfaction. 

You wouldn't let yourself feel for him, that was how you would achieve the higher ground. 


He had to drag himself away from her slumbering form, the vulnerability was a rare sight, and one he doubted he would ever see from her conscious.

He found himself grappling for her trust, wanting to claim every piece of her, little by little, read her back to front, the way he should be able to reach into her mind and pluck information from her head.

It had been years since he sought counsel from the force spirit of his grandfather, since he saw anyone as superior to himself. 

He was master unto himself. 

He greeted the Knights with a nod as he stepped from the elevator, he was back in his mask and robes, diplomacy and intimidation seemed to come hand in hand to him.

They strode in the formation that came naturally to them, though he felt the missing presence that their eighth unofficial member had carved out. 

Usher, breaking his usual silence to offer wisdom, suggested she be inaugurated as a Knight. The others didn't protest, not even Vicrul, but were also wise not to push their master on the matter. 

Perhaps even they sensed she was destined for so much more. 

Even when the sound of three consecutive explosions nearly deafened him and the guards and knights rushed to form a defensive stance, his thoughts were only of her- she was a deep sleeper to be sure, and he hoped whatever was happening, he would find her slumbering in their bed after he killed the responsible party.

-Little Rebel-

Commotion awoke you, it seeped through the fluttering curtains along with smoke, you jumped from the bed, grabbing your combats on instinct as you strode towards the window.

Below you the city had broken into chaos, fires littered the once orderly pavements and people ran for cover. 

Dressing and grabbing the Vibrodaggers from you case you dashed from the room, noting Kylo's absence, you had no doubt he was at the centre of the unrest.

You grabbed a worker who was hurrying down the corridor you entered, "What happened" You spoke with an intensity you hoped he would not mistake for anything but a death threat, aided by the vibrocleaver you pressed to his side. 

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