19. Don't let me down

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As the door to the room closed behind you Kylo set of pacing the length floor, fists clenched by his sides as his shoes hit the polished wood.

You lowered your eyes to your hands, red circles formed bracelets of abrasions where your attacker had gripped you, your hands were still shaking.

Balling your fists tightly you dropped them to your sides, the soft light of the hotel room felt soothing after the glare of the vibrolanterns in the hall.

The thundering steps emanating from the wildly unpredictable man confined to the room with you had ceased, and for that you were grateful, since you had a terrible headache coming on.


You drew a deep breath in through your nose, deciding resolutly that as you exhaled, you would forget what just happened, and proceed irrevocably with the mayhem that was your existence.


You glanced at Kylo with slight concern, he was leaning against the rails of the balcony that jutted out from your room, you hadn't taken the time to appreciate the view before the gala. You doubted you would be able to now. His silhouette was a dark mountain against the bright lights of the city, still so broad without the layers of his battle attire.

You made you way to the bathroom, footsteps but a soft patter of bare feet. Washing your hands under the cool faucet you finally looked at yourself in the mirror, jumping over where you knew red marks would lie, landing instead on your face.

You looked fine. Because you were fine.

Kylo stepped into the bathroom behind you, blocking your view of the bedroom effectively, chest heaving like a bull about to charge.

Was he about to charge? You grabbed a towel and dried your hands, sighing as you approached him.

You avoided his eyes, instead focusing on his hands, the one night he had forgone gloved he had managed to punch someone.

Taking his wrist you guided him to the basin, his feet compliant as the heat of his gaze settled on you indefinitely.

You switched the water to hot, before guiding the tap head towards cool, checking the water every now and then until the water was nicely warm. You took a flannel and set about removing the dried blood, but found it difficult to manoeuvre his hand without breaking his wrist, which seemed counter productive.

He tugged his hand from your's, moving both to your waist as he pulled you onto the countertop. You nodded slightly, biting your lip as you continued to clean his knuckles.

You finished your job by wrapping the tender flesh with bandaged from the cabinet behind you, swinging your legs slightly as you released him.

His hand rose towards your face and you flinched away a little, eyes snapping to his immediately.

His dark pupils had nearly consumed the honeycomb of his iris, and his brow was lowered significantly, you stilled as his thumb came to your mouth, pulling the skin on your chin taunt thus tugging you bottom lip from where it had been entrapped between your teeth.

He pulled you down from the sink, setting you facing the mirror once again.

Looking down into the reflection of your eyes he raised his hand to the zipper of your dress, bracing a hand on the curve of your waist as he slipped the thin straps from your shoulders, the bare skin prickling under his touch.

The black silk fell to the floor with a sigh, Kylo's gaze was now fixated on your bare back, his knuckles tracing your spine all the way down to where the black lace of your underwear sat on your hips. His finger slid underneath before manoeuvring around to your front, where the growing smirk on his face told you he knew how ready you were for his touch.

His touch was not calming, the trace of his fingers brought you no peace. You leant into his touch anyway, arching your back into the caress of him, because you could live without peace.

He pushed his finger through your folds, dragging it back and forth across your clit. He pulled it away with a slight abruptness as he undid his trousers, keeping his other hand firmly on your waist his long digits gripping into the flesh of your stomach.

His hold tightend to a painful extent before it was gone, replaced instantly with the other hand on your neck, pulling you flush against him the hand that had held you traced a long path down your side, the feather soft touch of a warrior.


He tore off the black scrap, leaving you completely naked, exposed. You inhaled as he entered you, pain erupting in your abdomen despite the wetness running down your thigh, he tightened his grip on the sides of your neck, your eyes dropped to the counter as a breathy cry escaped when he began moving inside you.

"Look at yourself." He twisted his hand in your hair pulling it tighter until your eyes met their reflection, "This is what he wanted" You were to lost into the waves of pleasure to feel the anxiety that should have been provoked by the mention of the attack "But he could never have this"

He brought his mouth down to your ear, placing a whisper of a kiss on your throat before the baritone of his voice sent shivers to your already overstimulated core, "Because you're mine"

The words alone sent coils of pleasure through you, but it was looking at yourself as he commanded that was bringing you close to the edge, the sweat that gleamed on your forehead and the curls of silver falling upon your shoulders form where his fingers were woven into your hair. Your eyes were hooded with desire, long lashes lowered in bliss as he pushed in and out of you.

Kylo was descending into the pits of pleasure just as fast, groaning as he pulled out of you, flipping you and effortlessly placing you on the counter, pushing your legs apart before resituating himself, he paused for a moment as his eyes met yours for the first time since that dark hall-

Where he had told you to keep your head up, he had kept you together for those few moments.

You wondered if that was what he was doing now, keeping a possession from shattering beyond repair.

He tilted your head up as tears stung your eyes, easing into your with a careful precision, making you feel every inch of him, burying himself inside of you as fully as he could.

Staring into the molten of his eyes you came undone, the slow movements of his hips and his fingers against your clit shattered you as fully as his roughness had the last time.

With only a few more thrusts he followed, his forehead falling against yours, his broad chest heaving with burdened breaths his hand still holding your face to his.

He let go of you as he began to soften inside of you, and for a desolate moment you thought he would leave you there.

But he reached for your hands, his circling the marks left by the man who had tried to hurt you, you tried to tug them away, ashamed of what they meant.

But with a look that meant daggers you slumped, not watching as he brought your hands to his mouth, placing a soft kiss on each of the loops of red.

Tears that you didn't know had built spilled down your cheeks.

You looked to him again and nodded, he let his mouth slope into a smile, and you knew things would be okay.

He looped your arms around his neck and carried you to the bed, laying you down under the sheets leaving you alone for mere seconds before the bed dipped and he was beside you, pulling you to him and holding you tightly.

With a sigh you were asleep, dreaming- not of dead stormtrooper in a field of blood, but of a tall figure and a corridor with no end.

But hey, at least it provided variety.

Ive been MIA for exams, got a mental couple of months coming up lmao.

I hate writing smut so I put this off buuuttttt damnnnn if this isn't the unhealthy shite I love.

Love and pieces xoxo

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