10. Meet The Knights Pt.2 (Don't piss them off this time)

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You spent the entirety of you walk towards the Knight's training centre vomiting words at Kylo about why he could not under no circumstances leave you with the Knights, and furthermore, how you were in no way ready to join them on their little quests.

"Kylo!" You shouted exasperatedly and to your surprise he turned around, you looked behind him and recognised the doors Training room. His mask caught you of guard as you found yourself missing his intoxicating brown eyes. 

Mentally shaking yourself from thoughts you were paranoid he could be listening too you continued,

"Kylo I- I can't kill people" You muttered, looking down. 

He stepped towards you and you blinked away tears that were attempting to escape you eyes .

You sensed hesitation in him, but you couldn't place why. 

But as you looked to him you saw nothing but the monster that had no issue with killing, no qualm with cold blooded murder, perhaps a different truth lay under his mask, but in his choice to wear that mask he was complicit in his actions.

Almost as though he read your mind (which was become more and more probable as you acme more comfortable around him) he replied quickly and coldly. 

"Its Supreme Leader to you, Apprentice and you will do what is required of you." 

You furiously blinked the tears out of your eyes, putting a steely face on as he raised his hand.

Opening the door and using the force to push you through them he didn't even look back to you as he walked away from the closing door.



-Kylo Ren-

She had exceeded his expectations at training today, he knew she would.

But he whole time he found himself holding back, keeping himself from hurting her.

And how he struggled to keep his voice even when she fell and let out a pretty groan of frustration, everything about her was simultaneously delicate and deadly, he knew her slim body would be covered with bruises from him by the end of their session. The thought gave him some wicked satisfaction.

Stars the places he wanted to bruise her.

Leaving her with the Knights was a test, to see whether she would obey him and respect them, of course he had forbade them to harm her in anyway, and they wouldn't dare disrespect their master.

This girl had a grip on him...

And try as he might he couldn't shake her off.

There were still things locked away in her mind he couldn't access, like her name for example, though he knew that the people in the village called her various nicknames, the girl she saved called her "Sana" Which meant "Saviour" in Twi'lek, he knew that from his exploration of her mind. 

But he knew that wasn't her true name, and since even he wasn't willing to put her through the pain of breaking down those walls by force, he would have to wait until she revealed it herself.

There was also the matter of the scars on her back, he had of course noticed how much pain it brought to her to even think about it from when he brought it up during the interrogation. 

He suspected they came from the scummy landlord of that Village.

And suspicion was all he required.

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