3. Deal Or No Deal

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Tentatively opening your eyes you blinked a few times as your reality came flooding back to you, vision still blurred you closed your eyes for a moment as your mind raced to catch up with your rapidly beating heart.

Did you really tell the Supreme Leader that you were a rebel?

And prior to that he said he couldn't read your thoughts.

But wasn't that Jedi 101? Weren't they all supposed to be able to do that.

Some Supreme Leader he was.

You almost laughed out loud, partly at the thought of the infamous Kylo Ren being unable to best you and partly at your entire situation.

Ok. Enough delaying. 

Opening your eyes you were met with a dim room, and directly in front of you was Kylo Ren.

You immediately attempted to move back, but ended up only struggling with your restraints, you were strapped to a bed like contraption, that was tilted at a 45 degree angle from the floor.

Looking down you saw you were wearing the same wrap bandeau and loowhich was no dirty with sand and ash, 

"You're awake"

That robotic voice came again.

You didn't know how to describe it.

It was... crunchy? you were so glad he couldn't hear your thoughts.

"An astute observation" you countered  "What gave me away, the eyes opening or the acknowledgement of my surroundings?"

Without even raising a hand your airway was restricted.

As a reflex you attempted to bring your hands to your neck, lurching forward in your restraints.

"The energy you're spending on you're clever remarks is wasted" he replied.

His voice low and quiet, he stood from where he sat, taking only two strides to be beside your head his hand reaching out to hover above your face.

In an instant air rushed into your lungs, you took greedy breaths, turning your head  from where he stood very much to close for your liking.

Which to be fair would be anywhere from here to the outer rim.

As your chest heaved you felt the kiss of leather underneath your chin, which quickly transformed into a harsh grasp as your head was whipped towards where his mask had become even closer .

Your eyes stayed fixed on his hand above your head as his hand on your chin realised you.

That's when the pain started. 

It felt like someone had slid a wire through your ear and up into your brain, you writhed in the restraints.

"Get. Out. Of . My. Head!"

What had meant to be a mental scream flew out of your lungs in anguish. 

Opening your eyes you saw the hand withdraw. the creasing of leather like a choir of Desert Wampa to your overstimulated mind. Turning your head to look towards the mask again you let out a shaky breath

"You are strong with the force" he stated, almost more to himself than you.

Dread filled your gut. You can't pretend the thought hadn't crossed your mind, and when he said he couldn't read your thoughts, it only solidified the idea.

"No. no- I-"  You swallowed, bile rising in your stomach.

"I offer you a deal" He interrupted 

Ashes to Ashes  |  A Kylo Ren StoryWhere stories live. Discover now