26. Anew

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The group that stepped onto the finaliser was all changed in someway by the events of the past few days, so much had happened in so little time.

The girl who walked beside Kylo wasn't visibly damaged, the hour long bath in batch jell had seen to that.

Unlike the men she walked beside she had no mask, no physical one any way. So she made do with what had- a cold and disinterested expression fell back onto her face.

It was as though she never left.

That thought tugged at her, could she ever see this cold, monochrome ship as a home?

You are home little one.

Kylo spoke in her mind, she sighed internally as she realised he was getting far to good at wiggling past her defences.


You felt him tense up beside you, letting his anger build until you laughed down the bond.

Relax Supreme Leader, that stress is bad for your heart.

Feel free to consider my coronary health the next time you want to play intergalactic hide and seek.

Only the sight of Hux's skinny frame standing to attention across the hanger could stop the smile that threatened to creep on your face.

Happy thoughts happy thoughts.

You mind conjured images of Hux being repeatedly thrown out an airlock.

This cheered you up considerably, another idea also popped into your mind.

With only a little focus you sent your image to Kylo's barrier, which seemed to cave, allowing your projection in without hesitation.

A huff of modulated laughter escaped the looming figure next to you.

As thought your attempt at positive thinking summoned him, the ginger general strode over from a group of storm troopers, his pale little face bobbing with each little peppy step.

"Supreme Leader" Hux called out in greeting, but Kylo didn't stop until the man had raised his voice and called out twice more.

You knew he was about to stop before he did, so you were able to stop and spin in unison, the rest of the knights seemed attuned to Kylo too, so Hux almost fell back when the group turned to stare at him.

Collecting himself admirably quickly he begun his spiel "Welcome back-"

You zoned out, contemplating the hanger with disinterest, what once amazed you seemed mundane now- you pondered your short attention span as you refocused on the now moderately heated conversation.

"Well the next time you feel like going on a treasure hunt across the galaxy I would appreciate some communication!" Hux's face had become as red as his hair, and as Kylo flicked out a hand to punish his insolence in some way with the force you grasped his arm, holding it as he tilted his head down to look at you.

You looked straight ahead at the scared at confused General, who gulped.

"General, whilst I appreciate your insinuation that I am treasured, I feel you need reminding the Supreme Leader doesn't owe you any kind of postcard or souvenir from his travels"

Hux gaped, his jaw hanging for a second before his snapped it shut "How fickle your alliances are 'little rebel'"

Without moving your hand you restricted his airway, Kylo silently stepped beside you and moved a hand to your back in support.

"I have a name, a surname at least- I am a Kryze."

You walked leisurely to where Hux was struggling to breath, loosening your metaphysical hold on his trachea so his head was clear enough to process what you said. "But until I am appointed a rank here, you can call me ma'am. Understood?"

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