27. Death of each-other

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Kylo lingered in the refresher for a while, you heard the shower turn on and knew he was calming himself from whatever had come over him just now.

You had seen the red, the molten rock that flowed around his pupil. 

Anger incarnate.

You ran a hand down your face, taking a deep calming breath you began to slump back on the bed when an image jolted through your mind, quick as a flash.

Kylo's body in the mirror that faced the shower. 

That cocky bastard was projecting his view. 

You huffed out a shaky breath, shaking your head but focusing anyway. 

Water ran in rivets down his chiseled abdomen, and cascaded off his hair as he pushed it back from his face. 

He stared directly into the mirror, making eye contact with himself and therefore you, this was beyond weird. 

But beyond hot. 

His mouth curved up into a cruel smile, taunting you. 

You retracted from the image, scowling as you stormed to the refresher door, forgoing the button and instead using force to slam the door aside. 

To hell with "sleeping on it", you wanted him. Now. 

Raising you eyes to meet his, dragging them over every inch of him, your lip twitched to match his small grin. 

He watched you with a predatory gaze as you slowly shed your clothing, his fist clenching as he refrained from ripping it off you. 

He reached out a hand that you took as you stepped towards him and into the cubicle. You only had a second to peer up at him, his broad shoulders keeping you from the spray, before he pounced 

He pushed you back so you hit the wall, deftly moving with you his had encompassing the span of you throat and the other planted on the wall beside you.

You felt so utterly crowded by him as you peered up into his eyes, reflecting your own desire back at you. 

He kissed you then, intensely but slowly, trembling with restraint.

He was taking it slowly for you, you realised.

You reached up, standing on your tip-toes to lock your hands behind Kylos head, pulling him towards you. 

He groaned, kissing you feverishly. His hands griping your hips, kneading the flesh. 

You gasped as he lifted you, hands wrapped around your thighs as he pushed you up against the wet tile, your legs encircling his waist as though they belonged there. 

He withdrew from the kiss, resting his forehead against yours for a few tortured breaths, looking into your eyes through locks of slick hair. 

You tilted your chin down an inch, an almost inperceptable nod, and his mouth curved into a feline smirk. 

Within a second he was inside you, with long smooth strokes and low grunts. 

His arms locked around your ribcage as he kissed and sucked the part of your neck that made you cry out. 

pressure built in your core, an unbearable heat that only multiplied as he drove into you, the pace of this thrusts picking up. You arched your back against the cool tiles, spray from the shower washing over your face. 

With one arm still locked around you he reached down to work your clit, you cried out at the first contact, then again when he sent you tumbling over the edge. 

After a few more thrusts he followed you, eyes locked on yours as he came with a roar inside you. 

After what felt like an eternity spent locked in eachothers gaze, with nothing but the lullaby of your heavy breaths and the water spraying onto both of you, Kylo lowered you to the shower floor, where you stood, on shaky legs. 

You finally let your gaze dropped, starting to wonder what the hell had just happend, but Kylo simply hooked a finger under your chin, tiliting your head to look back up at him, in all his god-like glistening glory, and pressed a kiss on your forehead. 

So you allowed yourself to relax, enjoy him, and the moment.

He grabbed a towel- his towel and wrapped it around you, it smelt so familiar, so like him that you melted a little. 

In the following hour he brushed you hair, got you changed and sat you on the bed with pillows propped up behind you, grabbing a tray of steaming food. 

He watched, eagle-eyed as you ate, picking at the greens you neglected and responding to the occasional message on his comm-pad. 

The silence was soothing, a balm on your exhausted mind, and by the time you'd ate your full your eyelids were drooping, Kylo helped you rearrange the pillows and pulled the blanked up to cover you. 

He pressed his lips to your forehead once again as you drifted off.

-Kylo Ren-

He could sit here all night, watching her sleep. Her chest rose and fell with heavy, even breaths with her still damp air strewn aross the black pillows in startling contrast. 

But he wouldnt, he had someone to pay a visit, prisoner 2970.

He'd told her they would sleep on his decision on her sentence, but that didnt mean he couldnt pay the urchin a visit. 

So he left his little rebel, or little senator should he say? Her ancestral ties to the Kryze family were interesting to say the least and potentially useful. Donning his mask and stepping from the room, he wondered with a small smile upon his face, how would she surpise him next?

Sorry for the insane break, i aim to finish this book before the end of summer, with around 6-10 chapters. If your still reading, thank you xoxo

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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