2. Command shuttle

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"It's me, I'm the rebel. They didn't know it was me." You said with an incredible calmness, words easing from your throat like ice cold water.

As you saw it, your fate was sealed, but the same could not be said for these people, if as he said he could read your thoughts, then he wouldn't be able to discern your lie.

So you gritted your teeth and looked into the eyes of his mask. A sheer determination set upon your face. Sand saturated wind whipping your hair against your face.

He contemplated before speaking "Very well"

You let out a slight sigh of relief before he spoke again

"Round up the elders and shoot them, from now they will inspect their citizens more carefully."

Chaos erupted as the stormtroopers surged into the crowd and seized the elderly, dragging them out, you turned your head back to the monster in front of you.

Your chest constricted "They're innocent, you can't-"

A leather gloved hand waved in front of your head was the last thing you saw before you were dead to the world.

-Kylo Ren-

Kylo Ren didn't bother looking back as he heard the Troopers firing upon the elders of the sandy shit hole these people called home.

He marched towards the ramp of his command shuttle with the small frame of the girl in his arms.

He didn't have to look down to know her icy blonde hair would be obscuring her face in a way that would make his own itch by looking at it.

It was curious, borderline infuriating that he had felt the urge to come today, obviously he didn't usually attend routine inspections, even when there was rumour of rebel's hiding there.

The Supreme Leader didn't visit lowly villages on Tatooine.

Regardless he followed the trooper transports in his command shuttle, slightly unnerved by the hold his urge had over him.

He had felt her presence as soon as he stepped out of the shuttle, strong, almost tangible.

Alone, he ascended the ramp of his Upsilon-class shuttle and closed it with the force as soon as he stepped into the hanger.

He looked around for somewhere to put his sleeping captive, settling on the round console with the small table in the centre, it was similar to the one his father's ship had.

He placed the small girl down on the seat, her hair finally falling back to reveal her whole face, her small nose twitched a little as her head tilted slightly to lean on her arm.

Kylo tore his eyes away to resume his walk to the cockpit, he decided he wouldn't jump to hyperspace to give him some time to think.

The force was strong in this girl, but she would she be easily manipulated to the dark side? he felt the strong presence of the light within her, swirling in her like a storm, it was what made her jump in front of that girl, what made her sacrifice herself for the villagers.

But he also felt the anger, it drifted of her in waves, an ever-changing current in her mind, directed at others then at herself.

Anger he could work with.

Kylo Ren engaged the engine and prepared to leave the scorched surface of Tatooine behind.

He had always hated sand.

Daddy Ren be like

"oh no I think I'm catching feelins"

just to clarify whilst this is a "you" story, its not quite a y/n story, our lovely protagonist has a name and background as well as a set appearance.

Hope you guys are enjoying

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