Chapter 21

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Okay, so yesterday I went with french.... GERMAN NOW :D

Hallo Leute! Wie geht's? Es geht sehr gut mit mir, und ich hoffe das, das Kapitel sehr viel Spass macht um zu lesen! Ich denke das es sehr intense ist :)

Translation: Hello people! How are you? It's going very good with me, and I hope that the chapter is a lot of fun to read! I think that it is very intense :)

ANYHOW :) Have fun reading!



Liza P.O.V.

"It's been over two whole weeks, Kane, and nothing else has happened!" I whined as we sat at our normal spot at the lunch tables.

"Be patient." he said calmly, but his worried gaze still drifted over to where Brent and Rosie were sitting together.

"I think it's time we take serious action." I said decisively, crossing my arms over my chest.

Kane snorted. "What kind of action, Liza? You can't fight and beat this, it's emotions. They take time to grow."

"But sitting here isn't doing any good either. You saw that reaction Rosie had last week. It means you still have a chance, and now you're just wasting it. Every day that she and Brent are together means that it will just be harder to draw them apart.

"I know." Kane admitted quietly, his voice sad. I immediately felt guilty for my harsh words, and placed a hand on his arm, trying to comfort him.

"We just need to get Brent away from Rosie for a few minutes, so you, Mr. Prince Charming, will have time to win her over." I said cheerfully, trying to bring up his mood.

It worked, and he smiled a bit. "Yeah, that would be my best chance. Do you have any idea how we can get him to leave Rosie for one small second?"

We both thought for a moment, staring into space, trying to think of the perfect plan. It wasn't going to be easy. Brent almost never left Rosie alone, and if he did, he left one of his henchmen to watch over her from a distance. She had no idea how carefully she was watched.

"Liza..." Kane said slowly, and I watched as a coy smile grew on his face. I was instantly on my guard. I knew Kane well enough now, considering I spent all my time with him these days, to know that that smile was destined for no good.

"Whatever it is, my answer is no." I said quickly.

"Awww," he pouted, "but Lizaaa..."

"No." I said, scowling in the other direction, trying my hardest not to be affected by his too-cute-to-be-true face. I had fallen for it multiple times already, and I knew if Kane had the chance to use it on Rosie, she would be at his feet in seconds.

"It isn't that bad and-"

I interrupted him. "Kane, all of your evil plans will involve huge humiliation on my part."

"Not all of them." he whined.

"Yes, all of them. Remember on Thursday, when you persuaded me that you were so sad, only me dancing on a table would ever cheer you up. If you don't think doing a very bad can-can on a wobbly desk is humiliating, you have to be completely brain-dead."

He grinned. "It's not my fault you're so gullible, and it was only for a few seconds."

"A few seconds too many."

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