Chapter 19

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  • Dedicated to Bibi's little sister :)


I am so so so so so so SORRY that I haven't uploaded like in forever! But our ski break has just started, and I PROMISE to make it up to you guys! I just got over this huge writer's block, so I'm super happy :)


Well, I've been getting a lot of comments, and that's great! Thanks so much :D But I would really, really appreciate it if people didn't advertise their stories in my comments! I mean seriously! This page is about MY story, not yours (not to sound rude hopefully). I think it's great that you want to spread your story around, but if you want me to read it, please just send me a message :)

Thanks :D


You may have noticed that the cover is different. Don't worry, the cover is also by Jabooker :D Hope you like it :) Just wanted a change!

Sorry it's short, but I'll upload again this weekend again :D



Liza P.O.V.

"See you later, mom!" I called over my shoulder before I slammed the door shut behind me. I was running late again. Without my sister to always leave before me, telling me that I had to get moving, it was getting harder and harder to get to school on time these days.

I jogged over to my bike and jumped on it. I started to pedal as fast as I could as I shot onto the sidewalk. The crisp air nipped under my coat and made me shiver. I should have worn my thicker coat, I thought grimly. And also a pair of pants.

The wind pierced through the small holes in my grey, knit tights. My also grey high-heels that buckled over the front made it hard to pedal, but at least they weren't two stories high like Rosie's. Under my coat I had an extra long striped T-shirt that reached my thighs. It wasn't the best winter attire, I admit, but it was too late to go change now.

I reached the school in record time, despite my heels, and quickly went over to the bike-rack. Snapping the lock around the wheel, I straightened up and headed towards the front doors. I sighed when I entered them - the corridors were completely empty.

Late again.

Realizing that it wouldn't matter as I was late already, I walked slowly towards my locker. The hallways were eerily quiet, and were rather creepy even though the sun was shining through the windows. I opened my locker, and quickly got out my books for math.

Mrs. Clarke was going to kill me. Literally.

I slammed my locker shut, and the noise echoed strangely. I mentally slapped myself for being such a scaredy-cat, and headed towards my class. Normally, I would have been pelting through the corridors by now, but my heels were not up to the task.

Not looking where I was going, I just let my legs guide me unconsciously towards my class. My eyes were fixed on the coarse, grey carpet that coated the floor, and so I didn't look as I rounded the corner.


It was the first day all over again.

How cliché.

Brent stood there smirking at me, his arms crossed. Knowing him, he would have probably planned this moment exactly, just to see me on the ground again. Actually, that must be all he ever thought about - how to get the upper-hand over me.

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