Chapter 28

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When the doorbell rang in the quiet apartment at half past nine in the morning, I wailed sleepily into my duvet. I didn't even have to guess twice who the devils had driven to me so early, because I subconsciously knew who it would be.

I slid out of bed at a slow pace and glanced at the mirror. It wasn't bad and Nick had already seen me in a much worse condition, so I just ran my hand through my hair and threw it to one side so that it would look at least a little to the world. Unfortunately, my hair looked like a ragged hay of hay every morning.

On the way to the door, I threw a bathrobe over my shoulders, because I was wearing only the top part of my pajamas, which barely reached my ass.

And I was right. Nicholas leaned casually against the wall behind the door. He held a paper bag in one hand, just as he had done before our breakup, but I didn't want to think about it now. Since he was wearing sportswear, it immediately occurred to me that we would probably not spend today at home. But at the thought of wanting to take me on a bike and take a tour of the coast with me, I gasped in my mind. I knew very well that I would not be able to say no to him, because I always succumbed to his charm and pleas.

"Hi, come on," I smiled at him.

"If I knew you were going to sleep, I would have come a little later," he smiled brightly and walked past me to the apartment.

"And that's why they invented a cell phone because of similar situations," I said, closing the door behind him.

"Probably a stupid question, but did you have breakfast today?" He asked, setting the water for coffee.

"Why is he stupid? I set my alarm for six in the morning, drank a cup of coffee, swallowed something in a hurry, and continued what I had stopped. So asleep, "I moaned, placing two glasses on the bar.

"Hahaha. Very funny. I really missed your British humor. "

While he was pouring coffee, I looked at it from behind again. He was incredibly sexy in that white and in combination with his tanned skin. His shorts also made his muscular legs stand out. Saliva almost came out of my mouth and I had to control myself so that I wouldn't touch it. It is a forbidden fruit, so for all the saints do not look at it as God, I tried to bring myself to reason.

"What did you bring me?" I asked him to distract myself.

"Sugar alone. Your favorite food, "he replied, watching me with an amused smile.

I rolled my eyes and opened the paper bag. It was full of sweet buns, which immediately lifted my spirits and brightened my eyes. I immediately pulled one out and happily bit into it. It was still warm and filled with vanilla pudding. Heaven in mouth.

"Aren't there a white bike or roller skates downstairs?" I asked, my mouth full, and sat down next to him on a chair.

He looked at me blankly, as if I were talking out of the way. "How did you come to such a conclusion?" He suppressed a smile and also pulled out one bun, but until he bit into it, he looked at it at least three times.

"You look a little sporty," I shrugged.

"But it's not a bad idea at all," he looked at me enthusiastically. "We can go cycling along the promenade next weekend."

I sighed loudly. "I firmly believe it will rain." Any sporting activity terrified me. Probably because I had both arms and legs left.

Nick laughed out loud. "You probably won't be a fan of movement."

"That excessive sweating and then persistent muscle fever for another three or four days don't really appeal to me."

"If you exercised regularly, you would never get muscle."

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