Chapter 20

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I was sitting in a chair opposite Nick in his office, taking over with him the dates of the meeting with clients for the next week, when I received an SMS from Erick.

"Hello, beauty, will you have time for me today? I'd like to have the floor with you. "

I looked carefully in Nick's direction, but he had just been engaged to an interview with his lawyer, who had brought him the documents for a preliminary contract with a client.

"Always for you. What is it about? "I told him.

"Does something always have to happen for me to invite you for coffee?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Nicholas suspect me. I had time off tonight, and although I didn't know if Nick had planned anything, I decided to accept Erick's invitation.

"All right. Invites. Salary. „

"Hahahaha. About the 17th in the Sweet Family? "

The lawyer left, and Nicholas cleared his throat aloud. Although I could feel his burning gaze on me, I did not look in his direction. I quickly sent another text message to Erick.

"OK. I will be there."

"I'm sorry, it was Alexa. She wanted to meet me later in town, "I lied, and the thorn of guilt stung at my heart.

"Why today? You have time off. We could have enjoyed it, "he looked disappointed.

"Was it not enough for you at night?" I placed my cell phone, along with the papers I was holding in my hand, on the table and walked over to it. I hugged him from behind and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

He took a deep breath. "God, and how."


I entered the coffee shop, but Erick wasn't there yet, so I sat down in a secluded corner to a table with comfortable armchairs and ordered a coffee. There were quite a few people, most likely still sticking to work behind computers with their heads dipped in a pile of accounts like I did less than an hour ago.

I was just about to write to him where he was sticking when the door opened and he stepped inside. He was wearing, as always, an ironed and well-polished suit. Although it was a common combination for working men in slightly higher circles, it added even more to Erick's manhood and sex skills.

"I'm sorry I'm late," he said without greeting.

"I've only come now, too, and I'm glad to see you." I got up from my chair and hugged him tightly.

"I'll be right back, I'll just jump for coffee. Do you want anything?"

"No, thank you," I shook my head.

I watched him talk live with the waitress at the counter. He explained something to her with his ice-melting smile or a smile in which sick women threw their thongs away from themselves and lunged at him, while she flirted with lashes and blushed slightly. When she finally handed him the coffee, it looked like she was still asking Erick for a phone number that he would have offered her voluntarily a few months ago.

"We had one important meeting, and since we couldn't agree on one point, I had to stick around until our investment masters finally understood," he shook his head and continued. "I really don't understand why Steve is keeping them there. Being in his place, I would have sent them to sweep the streets a long time ago. "

"Not everyone has the talent," I smiled warmly at him. "I know from Nicholas that it is worth entrusting you with all the savings. You can do a miracle with one dollar already. "

"It's hard to believe," he said amusedly, but I could still hear a sharper tone in his voice. Maybe doubt, distrust? Or rather jealousy?

"He's not stupid enough to obscure your brain's results."

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