Chapter 27

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The fact that Alex appeared at our reception shortly before the end of my working hours on Friday could not foretell anything good. Surprised and nervous at the same time, I told Grace, our young lady from the front desk, to send her up here for me.

I waited impatiently for her at the elevator, while thousands of questions swirled in my head as to why she had appeared here and what she was up to. But when the elevator door opened, all my worries went away. I was overjoyed to look into her friendly face again.

"Hi," I called, hugging her warmly. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm coming for you," she said as we pulled away. "It's Friday, and I can vividly imagine how you'll spend the rest of the day."

"Normal, like any ordinary person," I defended myself.

Alexa couldn't be discouraged and raised an eyebrow defiantly. "So dreaming and crying."

"That's not true," I objected, but I had to struggle to maintain a neutral expression, because she unknowingly summed up everything that would run through my head for the rest of the day. Of course, Nicholas.

"But it is," she looked at me regretfully.

"What's all this supposed to mean?" I asked her as we sat down in the chairs in my office. "Raegan first, now you, who's next?" I sighed, but it sounded pretty nervous.

Alexa smiled mysteriously at me. "Raegan and I agreed that the two of us would put together what the three of you had achieved so much," she looked up at me, her eyes narrowing.

"What, please?" Anger welled up in my eyes, but Alexa didn't shy away from my gaze.

"Fine," she rolled her eyes, "I apologize for the tougher expression."

"It simply came to my notice then. I just can't understand that I'm the only one who sees what Nick told me, "I stared at her in disbelief.

"It seems to us that you're the only one who doesn't see how crazy this guy is about you and, of course, you are crazy about him."

The only thing I could do was sigh a long time. Did it really just occur to me? Did he really start to care about me? All of a sudden, out of nowhere?

I was able to inhale with difficulty, because the pain in my chest took my breath away and dug deep into my soul.

"Paige, finally stop lying to yourself," she yanked me from her thoughts and patted me kindly on the hand in which I was cramping my pen.

"You don't understand." Tears welled in my eyes and my lower lips shook.

"Yes," she rolled her eyes. "Well, he really screwed up at first, but he fell in love with you. For Christ's sake, you love him too! So what else do you want? What are you waiting for?" she almost shouted the last sentence until I winced.

What am I waiting for? I swallowed hard because the question fell so unexpectedly that I could feel my heart in my throat. I loved Nick, but the fear of hurting me again kept me from following him. Or was it just a poor excuse? Was it me who was suddenly afraid to enter into a relationship, into something new?

We looked at each other in silence for a few seconds. I felt like a sullen child who had just taken the necessary slap.

"You love him, don't you?" She asked me more gently.

"Yes. My feelings for him haven't changed, "I replied hesitantly, admitting the disturbing message. Or good?

"Paige, Nick, too, is slowly going crazy! She loves you! "She urged me.

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