Chapter 7

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Nick rang the doorbell at exactly five o'clock, as he had told me in the text message. The truth was, I couldn't wait for him. I was looking forward to seeing him again, but at the same time I was nervous about the coming dinner. Nevertheless, the rich and educated people were to take part in it. I was afraid that I would not fall among them, that I would be embarrassed, but mainly that I would lose Nicholas. I knew I was moving on thin ice.

Wow! He looked really stunning. Help! Just looking at him pulled my pulse. A black tuxedo, a black bow tie, and the way he looked at me threw red into my cheeks. He walked over to me, grabbed my sleigh in my warm palms, and gently pressed a kiss to my cheek. It froze me that it was only on my cheeks again. I closed my eyes, inhaled his scent, and ignored the hungry desire that began to consume me from within. When I opened them, I found that Nick was looking at me intently. He looked older and more sophisticated. Maybe it was the butterfly on his neck or was it me? I really cared about myself today.

"You look stunning, Paige. She took my breath away. "Admiration radiated from Nicholas's eyes.

Thanks to his compliment, blood rushed even more into my cheeks.

"Thank you," I replied modestly.

"Are you ready?" He asked, kissing my hand gallantly. I nodded and he stepped back so I could pass first.

We sat in the back seats of a black Mercedes and headed for the city center. I was surprised that a gentleman in a suit was driving the car. I didn't know Nick had a driver. Maybe you just borrowed it, I thought. After all, you could afford it after all. There was a heavy silence in the car all the way, and each of us was immersed in our own world.

The blinking accompanied us all the way. The sky turned opal, and a pink tinge spread around the glowing moon. It was a clear, fresh evening, and the whole city was slowly plunging into the light of the street lamps. Nicholas stared thoughtfully out of the car. He was pensive, worried. The light mood that had accompanied us in recent days seemed to fade somewhere with a touch of his hand.

Suddenly he turned to face me and stared at me. His gaze was dark, but he showed nothing at all.

"We're almost there," he whispered, looking out the window again.

I watched him stealthily. Different shadows flickered across his face, as if he were competing with some mysterious demons. I was starting to feel uncomfortable. Instead of the support I would need from him now, Nick moved away from me and immersed himself more and more. He was silent, trying to cover up nervousness or some tension in front of me, which didn't help me at all. On the other hand, he sometimes smiled amusedly like a small child looking forward to a new toy. I didn't understand his moods at all.

The driver stopped right in front of the entrance to the five-star hotel. Nicholas got out and let me sit there. My fear returned in full force. God, what am I looking for here? I felt my heart pound and my blood start to rumble in my ears. Nicholas's driver, whose name I didn't know, opened the door for me and I got out.

Only now did I notice that an endless column of luxury cars stretched along the driveway. I took a step back as if someone had hit me, because this didn't look like a normal business dinner. However, the president himself should also take part in it, which, I guess, was not a threat. I inhaled intermittently and my knees shook. God, I probably won't give this. Fear overcame me even more.

Nick walked around the car, walked over to me, and took my hand. He gave me a kind look and offered me a shoulder. He must have finally realized that I was there with him. It was the first expression of love I received from him since we left my apartment and got in the car. In fact, I didn't need an ice beautician next to me now, but huge support and protection. I gripped him hard like a drowning, catching blade of grass. I put on my face a radiant but artificial smile and asked God to survive.

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