Chapter 15

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In less than forty minutes, we were on the opposite side of town in the parking lot in front of the Lewis Bar. David decided to jump in with me for a cup. Jason, our bouncer, stood at the entrance. We exchanged a few words together and then he opened the door for us. There was a very pleasant homely atmosphere. Rustic-style wooden boxes arranged around the dance floor contrasted interestingly with the huge modern bar. The floor was full of sweaty bodies and there was thumping music. We walked to the bar and stood at the end of the counter.

Alexa, when she served one customer, ran to us immediately.

"Hi, honey," she greeted me and hugged me warmly. "What are you doing here?" she shouted into the loud music. "Is that him?" She asked me as I pulled away from her.

"Who ?!" I cried. "No, Jesus! This is David, Nick's friend."

"Ah," she grimaced. Immediately there was interest in her eyes. She looked at him from head to toe so okay that I felt my face flush. She blinked at me and flew over his look once more, betraying her face. that she is extremely satisfied with the result. "Won't you introduce us?" interest in it grew.

I narrowed my eyes.

"David, this is Alexa, my friend. Alexa, this is David. "

"Hello," David greeted her, keeping his eyes on her. He tucked his hands in his trouser pockets and scanned her slender gazelle body. He quietly measured her and evaluated her appearance. That was typical.

"Yeah, I already know why you're so familiar to me," she said suddenly. "You were here with Nick on that memorable night," she snapped her finger at him.

"A memorable evening? What is it? "David asked her incomprehensibly and confused.

"That's the night Nick almost jumped out of his skin," she pulled her face into a disgusting grimace. I laughed out loud, and David ran his eyes wide from one to the other. He frowned and shook his head instead of smiling.

"It was just a small joke. Please forget what I just said, "she patted him on the shoulder justifiably.

David just nodded in agreement, but he could see that he was still a little disoriented.

"What are you drinking?" Alexa asked us.

"I'll have a draft beer," David said.

"One wheel for me, please."

"Well, I have to admit, he's relatively ... sharp on an official, or what he actually makes a living from." She leaned even closer to me and her voice went to a whisper. "Admit she's sexy," she nodded in his direction.

"I'm betting a hundred that there's something to look at under his formal armor," she measured him lustfully.

I stayed with my mouth open, I couldn't stare at her. "Don't even think about it," I marveled at her thought processes.

We sat down at the bar for the last two vacancies. People around us crowded and shouted at the bartenders to order.

Alexa put our drink in front of us and brought us a bowl of nuts.

"We brought you a pizza," David said to Alex with a carton he held in his hands the entire time.

"For me?" She asked, jumping happily.

"Paige said you'd be pleased," he shrugged innocently.

David's body measured for a moment, but his green-brown eyes lit up. I suppressed the smile that his innocent horror evoked in me. Uncomprehendingly, he stared at Alex first, who was about to throw something, but refrained from commenting, and then at me.

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