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Third Person POV

After everything that had challenged them, everyone got their happy endings:


Rapunzel and Eugene: After seeing the way Jack go with Elsa, Eugene finally put aside his fears of caring for another, scared of losing them again, and asked Rapunzel to be more than just a "friend" if you could call them that. The two were very happy, and after about a year, there was a little blond girl with brown eyes. She resembled her mother, but had her father's eyes. They named her Elizabeth, with a hint of Elsa's name in there, because she was the decided godmother.


Hiccup and Merida: They spent a lot of time together and learned that they actually had quite a bit in common. They started dating around the time Rapunzel and Eugene had their kid. They had a little girl a year after Elizabeth, making them close in age. They named their little girl Annabelle, partially after Anna, who was her godmother.


Anna and Kristoff: The two of them wasted absolutely NO TIME in getting together. They liked each other from pretty much the beginning. Anna asked Kristoff first, because he was being to shy. They were also the first ones to get married. 


(Since they have to stay on the down low with Gothel always trying to get the girls back, they all had very basic weddings in the forest, still wonderful though)


Jack and Elsa: Ah yes, the lovebirds that started it all, they were happily married after Anna and Kristoff. They had the roughest start to their relationship, and if you asked Elsa 1 1/2 years ago how she felt about Jack, she would probably say that she hated him. But now she couldn't be more in love. Jack felt the same. He couldn't control the crazy amount of love he had for Elsa, love he thought died along with his old family, but he didn't need them anymore. Elsa and all his friends, they were his family now, and he couldn't be happier with the people he let into his life. The people he stood bye, cared about, and loved more than anything.


As for Gothel and her whole business, that is a story for another time, one that will be told soon....

(Cliffhanger hehe)


To think how crazy their story was, and it all started in that wooden building in the middle of the woods where no one would find them.

That awful day that Elsa was beaten and taken.

All 10 agonizing years in there, with hardly and food or water.

When she noticed one guy that looked at her just a bit differently, little did she know he would change everything. That he seemed like the guy that would be the death of her, but he was actually her savior. 

Jack did save Elsa, in anyway she needed him. He was always there. The two had never had any abusive issues since. The last thing Jack wanted was to hurt her. He truly was a changed man. He no longer lingered on the past and all that had happened, all he thought of now was Elsa. The love of his life, the one thing he was living for. Little did he know that soon he would live for not just one, but two people. But again, that is a yet another story that will be told soon......


In the end everything worked out for everyone. The girls had moved on from their pasts, and for the first time in their lives, had looked towards the future. A future they actually had, and got to spend with all the people they loved and held close.

And that is where this story ends.......

All 8 of them were ready to move on to the next crazy adventure, the next chapter of their lives.

Everything was perfect....

For now.....


Well........I never thought I would actually get here.

This is the end of Bad Girls Get Punished....


It feels so weird to finish this story. I've been working on it for so long, it's almost like it's just a part of my identity on here now. After all, it is my most well known story. It's kind of what made me more noticed. This is my first story that got 1K views and over 50 votes. This story will always hold a special place in my heart, but it's time to move on. I really didn't know how to make the story move on from the last chapter so I decided to make a clarification chapter for what is happening with the couples now. Pretty much the cliche of marriage and kids and staying together and what not, ya know? Oh well....

I also kept saying how some of the endings were stories that would be told soon because........I AM MAKING A SEQUEL!

The sequel idea I got from mermaidspiret is going to happen! Congrats dude! I really liked your idea and I can't wait to use it! Full credit goes to them because I would never come up with something this amazing!

I also have a little surprise gift for them!

mermaidspiret will be getting their username in the description of the next book, credit for the main plot, a shout out chapter just for them in the beginning, and I will be messaging them for a free pass to one specific scene that they want in the next book. It could be a wedding scene, a fight scene, a kidnapping scene, a napping scene, a baby's first words scene, etc. Whatever they want, literally! Sky is the limit!

I really hope they see this because if not I'll need to private message them all this oof

Well, thank you for reading this far, please wait with me for the sequel! It might be a bit, but I'll have more free time with speech being over now. 

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed and to quote Jack, never forget,

"Bad Girls Get Punished"

Word Count: 1014 oh jeez

Love ya Snowflakes!

Bad Girls Get PunishedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora