Chapter 19: Fire

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Aizawa checked Sans out of the hospital a day before he was supposed to leave and Sans was thankful for it. He dreaded the thought of spending another day in that place.

"Eraser?" Aizawa and Sans were in the car on their way back to the house when Sans spoke up.

"Yes, what is it?" Sans turned his head towards the window and admired the city.

"Well in the hospital I had thought of something." Aizawa stared at the road ahead with an intrigued look.

"Alright, and what was it?" Sans shifted in his seat to face Aizawa.

"Well... you remember the first morning when I helped you with a detective case... I wanted to know if anyone had solved it?" Aizawa let a small grin appear on his face as they turned a corner.

"Yes, that morning, someone solved it." Sans perked up.

"Who?" Aizawa's grin grew slightly.

"You." Sans eyes widened a bit.

"Wait I did, Eraser you better not be joking with me."

"I'm not, you really did solve the case, later that evening I went down there and explained your theory, a couple of high-ranked detectives looked it over and found evidence that it was true." Sans sat there with a blank expression which slowly turned into a joyful smile.

"Woah... that's great."

After a minute or two they noticed something.

"Eraser... you see that to right..?" Aizawa nodded.

They made it to the house and ran in.

"Eraser the kitchens in flames!" Aizawa grabbed the fire extinguisher and ran into the kitchen, but Sans knew it would be to no use.


"Just grab anything you might need, and hurry!" Aizawa called back.

Sans hurried to the guest room he had been staying in and pulled the door open. There was Blaize desperately scratching at the door, Sans let him fly out as he began to grab some useful items he might need in the near future.

Sans finished shoving items into his bag and ran out into the living room in search of Aizawa.

"Eraser where are you, we need to go now!" Aizawa came from the hall with a small bag in his hand and grabbed Sans by the arm as the fire was spreading along the hall behind him.

"Come on." They started to run out of the house and were greeted by Blaize along the way.

Once they were out they jumped in the car with little to no struggle from Blaize and drove off.

Sans mind was racing as he thought of potential ways this could've happened.

"Eraser I thought the fire was only in the kitchen." Aizawa quickly pulled into an empty parking lot and pulled out his phone.

"I thought so too... but it doesn't matter at this exact moment." Aizawa then dialed a few numbers and the phone began to ring.

"Hello-" Sans got out of the car and shut the door as he started to walk off.

"Jeez... I can see the smoke rising from the house, the kitchens probably in ashes right about now." Sans sighed as he sat down on a step leading to a gas station uphill.

A few minutes passed and a firetruck speeded down the road towards the house. Aizawa startled Sans when he sat down next to him.

"When did- never mind..." Aizawa had burns from when he ran into the kitchen with the extinguisher in hopes to put it out while Sans was completely unharmed except for his bandages which had fallen off in all of the commotions.

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