Chapter 8: The Meet and Greet

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   It has been a full month now since Aizawa had taken the two brothers into his home and Hisashi had started to hang out with them whenever he wasn't busy with hero work just like Aizawa.

"Um, why did Shota make me get groceries with you again?" Hisashi asked.

"Well, apparently I'm too young to do it alone, so... yeah," Sans said in response.

"Alright then, I've got no problem with that, but we should be heading back now," Hisashi said, but Sans didn't seem to notice he even spoke.

"Is there someone over there..?" Sans said and Hisashi looked to where Sans was pointing.

"Hm, Uhm, actually I think there is... but who would be there at this time of night..?" He asked wonderingly.

"Maybe we should go check it out..?" Sans said as he started to walk towards the littered beach.

"Are you that curious, for all we know it could be someone dangerous" Hisashi spoke as Sans 

continued to walk away.

"Well, that's why you're a hero right, to make sure people aren't doing anything bad?" Sans shouted back.

Hisashi wanted to yell back but ended up deciding that he shouldn't for he could startle whoever was on the beach.

"Alright..." Hisashi muttered and followed Sans down the walkway.

"Who is that...?" Sans asked Hisashi, Hisashi looked and saw that it was All Might, but he was with someone.

"Uhm, that's All Might" Hisashi stated.

"You mean Torshinori..?" Sans asked.

"I... how do you keep doing that?!" Hisashi asked, but Sans only shrugged.

"Anyways, yes, but I don't know who that young boy is," Hisashi said.

"Oh... what if I find out?" Sans said slyly.

"Well, I- and you're gone..." Hisashi sighed while letting out a small laugh.

Sans appeared behind an old tire and crouched down behind it, as he watched the two talk.

"Izuku my boy, you have made progress, but you still have a long way to go," Torshinori said half-heartedly.

"I know All Might, but don't worry I won't give up!" Izuku said broadly and he was about to continue when Sans made a movement and broke some glass.

Izuku and All Might heard this and immediately go into a battle position, ready for a fight.

"W-Who's there!?" Izuku yells out as he approaches the tire, where Sans no longer was.

"Wait... there's no one here?" Izuku turns around and lets out a small yelp.

"What's wrong?" All Might says worriedly.

"There is someone behind you..." Izuku said.

"What?" All Might turns his head to see Sans standing there with his black hoodie up.

"Hello..." Sans says twistedly.

"Who are you, villain!" All Might shout at Sans.

But right when he did Hisashi ran over to them yelling.

"Wait, Calm down!" He yelled loudly.

All three of them covered their ears and turned to look at him.

"Sorry, but don't hurt him, he's not a threat, right Sans," Hisashi said hoping Sans wasn't going to try and pull some sneaky trick.

"Eh, yeah, I'm not a threat, or am I?" Sans asked the two.

"Present Mic, you know him?" All Might asks.

"Yes, but ignore him, he likes to scare people..." Hisashi then stares at Sans.

"Hey, it's not my fault you were so gullible to fall for it... well, I guess it was" Sans laughed as he finished

Izuku lets down his guard and immediately runs over to Sans and starts to ask him questions.

"Woah, how did you move so quickly, is your quirk speed or maybe teleportation, or maybe you use telekinesis?!" Izuku had an excited smile.

"Uhm..." Sans took a step back nervously.

"Heh heh... calm down... please?" Sans said.

Hisashi decided to do something and told All Might to cover his ears and then he yelled so loud that all three of them fell to the ground covering their ears.

"Oops, heh, sorry Torsh, now come on Sans we should get back," Hisashi said still sounding rather loud.

"Yeah... I'm coming" Sans quickly made his way over to Hisashi and they headed off.

"Aw... he didn't answer any of my questions..." All Might laughed and told Izuku to continue training.

"Well did you get what you wanted?" Hisashi asked Sans.

"Well, I got to scare them... so yeah..." Sans finished in a cool manner.

"Really... anyways we're here so let's head inside" Hisashi smiled and they walked inside.

"What took you so long?" Aizawa shouted from the kitchen.

"It's Sans fault, not mine" Hisashi yelled back clearly.

Sans laugh was cut short when he was tackled by Flynn.

"Oof... hey Flynn..." Sans said calmly.

"W-Why ar-aren't y-you e-ever sur-surprised..." Flynn asked.

"Really... you want to ask me that..." Flynn laughed nervously and got up.

"What's so wrong with that question?" Hisashi asked before backing off realizing this wasn't the 

best thing to say.

Sans got up slowly and sighed with a small laugh.

"It's alright, but um, shouldn't you be bringing that to the kitchen?" Sans asked.

"Oh yeah, excuse me" Hisashi stepped away and headed towards the kitchen.

Sans bent down to pick up Flynn and started to walk after Hisashi. Once they made it into there, they sat down and watched as Aizawa and Hisashi put all of the groceries away while leaving some so they could make dinner.

"What are you two doing?" Aizawa asked.

"I-I do-don't k-know," Flynn said bored.

"Hm, oh that reminds me, bye" Sans stood up and stepped out of the kitchen.

"Flynn, do you know where he went?" Hisashi asked as Aizawa continued to put the groceries away.

"N-No, but h-he's pro-probably g-going to wr-write in t-that jou-journal h-he ha-has," Flynn said.

"Where did I put it..." Sans looked around the room until he saw his old jacket.

"Where did that tear come from...?" Sans picked it up and sighed softly.

"Oh well... it was bound to rip in time..." Sans spoke rather sadly.

"Oh, there's it is" Sans found his journal and grabbed it.

Sans stepped out of the room and into the hallway he then walked into the living room and sat 

down in one of the armchairs.

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