Chapter 18: Hospital Check

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Sans had woken up a couple of hours ago due to a headache and he had been reflecting on what happened at the ceremony.

"Excuse me." The door opened and, a male doctor walked in.

"Ah, good you're awake." Sans looked up as the doctor set a tray down onto the table.

"What's that for...?" The doctor turned his head and smiled.

"It's just some pain killers and medical tools, anyways I'm Dr. Ikari and your Sans, correct?" Sans nodded.

"Has your head been hurting at all?" Sans thought for a moment, "Yeah, but it stopped hurting a while ago."

"Good, now I'm going to give you fresh pair of bandages, just tell me if it starts to hurt again."

"Alright." Dr. Ikari began to unwrap Sans bandages.

"It's not hurting?"

"No, it isn't..." He finished pulling off his bandages to reveal a long, rather wide scar.

Dr. Ikari examined his wound as he winced in pain.

"Sorry, but I'm going to have to clean it and it might sting a bit." Sans prepared himself as Dr. Ikari slowly began to clean his wound.

He finished and bandaged Sans's head back up.

Dr. Ikari then gave Sans a pain killer before leaving the room.

"Well, that hurt." Sans sighed as he flopped back down onto the bed.

After a while, the door swung back open and Aizawa walked in. Sans sat up weakly and stared at Aizawa with a dull expression.

"Are you alright Sans?" Aizawa asked with a tired tone.

"Uh yeah... I'm alright." Sans looked away.

"Sans, what did the doctor tell you?"

"I... I don't want to talk about it." Aizawa put his hand on Sans shoulder and he turned to face Aizawa.

"I... well, he said I was... blind in my right eye." Aizawa's hand slid off from his shoulder.

"Sans." Aizawa pulled Sans into a hug.

"Thanks... but I'm fine." Aizawa released Sans and sighed softly.

"Are you sure?" Sans nodded.

"Good, now I have to get going, but I'll be back tomorrow to check you out."

"Alright, I'll see you then." Aizawa left the room and Sans sat there while holding his hand up to his face.

"Your Majesty... I've contained the soul." Sans stood before Asgore in Judgement Hall.

"Excellent Dr... now come with me." Sans followed Asgore into the throne room where he kept anything of value to him.

"My King... why are you doing this." Asgore turned to face Sans and with a heavy sigh, he spoke.

"Dr, you know why I am doing this... and your the one who came up with this plan in the first place, so do not blame me for your mistake." Sans scowled.

"My mistake... your Majesty you were the one who told me to study the human soul, you were 

the one who killed that child... all because you were upset." Asgore stared at Sans sternly.

"Don't talk to your king in that manner, you are still a child." Sans eyes widened angrily.

"Exactly... I am and so is Grillby and if you haven't noticed I have a baby brother that I need to take care of, children are supposed to be playing while the parents watch them not the other way around." Asgore stood there speechless.

"That's no excuse... now you need to leave." Sans was disturbed by Asgore's response, but he didn't lash out at him instead he bowed in an apologetic manner and left.

"Tch... he's going to pay one of these days and I don't care how long it takes... he can't keep treating kids like this... especially not if they're my friends."

Sans woke up in a cold sweat and desperately started to gasp for air. Soon enough he managed to calm himself down.

"Asgore..." Sans relieved this memory over and over again, every second built of it made him tenser and tenser by the moment.

Sans began to think about the words he had told to Asgore. It was a dark day for him back then and Asgore only made it worse by using his past research as a way to free the monsters in the underground.

"I'll have to do some more research to see if he's still alive... maybe I can send out a sensory 

wave throughout the city, but if he's still in the underground then... ugh I'll think about this later." Sans sighed.

"Hisashi Yamada, correct?"

"Yes ma'am!" The nurse gave him an unamused face.

"Don't be so hyper your a grown adult, anyways Flynn G. is in room 8A floor 5." Hisashi laughed timidly and began to walk off.

"Just, try not to startle him alright..?" Hisashi glanced back with a smile and continued off while the nurse facepalmed in annoyance.

"Alright! So, room 8A floor 5 let's not forget that!" Hisashi stepped into the elevator and pushed the button labeled fifth floor.

He excitedly walked down the corridor as he made it to a room with 8A engraved onto the door. Hisashi entered the room with an unintentionally loud bang.

"AH-" Flynn jumped up from his bed and ended up falling forwards due to dizziness.

"Yikes!" Hisashi caught Flynn and set him back onto the bed.

"SO-Sorry bud." Hisashi smiled nervously and walked back over to the door, he closed it and sat on the end of the bed.

"M-Mic... J-Jeez and I tho-thought I wo-would b-be happy t-to see y-you." Hisashi laughed.

"That's a joke... right?" Flynn nodded as he stuck out his tongue at him.

"I guess your back to your old self, that's great!" Flynn smiled.

"W-Wheres S-Sans...?" Hisashi's smile faltered, but he kept it glued to his face in case Flynn started to get suspicious.

"He's out of town?" Flynn sighed casually.

"Yo-You do k-know ju-just b-because I'm a k-kid i-it doe-doesn't y-you h-have to treat m-me l-like one ri-right?" Hisashi sat there open-mouthed.

"M-Mic..?" Hisashi shook his head.

"Sorry, bud didn't mean to space out, anyways sorry I should've just told you the truth." "A-And th-that is?" Flynn asked questioningly.

"Oh yeah! Well... okay I don't actually know where he is, but I do know you'll be seeing him soon, so in the meantime, I came to visit you!" Flynn chuckled as they engaged in their conversation.

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