Chapter 13: The Truth

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The weeks passed as Sans leg made a full recovery and he was able to get back to training.

"Agh... did you have to keep hitting me in the stomach." Sans and Aizawa were in the middle of a training session.

"Get up, that's the first hit I even landed on you." Sans laughed as he stood up and continued the fight.

"Hey... I have a question." Aizawa threw a punch before gesturing for him to continue.

"Why have you and Mic been acting so weird?" Aizawa stared at Sans before dodging his attack.

"What do you mean." Aizawa asked.

Sans paused the fight as he began to speak.

"Well, you both have been acting weird since... that day." Sans let his eyes slide shut as he waited for his response.

"Sans... I might as well tell you the truth." Sans opened his left eye and watched as Aizawa let out a long-awaited sigh.

"We've been worrying about what happened and you haven't told us any more about what happened." Sans took a step back.

"Do you want to know why?" Sans voice was low and that made Aizawa's concern grow.


"The story I told you before wasn't true..." Aizawa was a little surprised to see that his suspicions had been proven to be true.

"The kid... he was my brother and no man was chasing him... I was because he had just ran off." 

Sans spoke in a collected tone while questions started to build up in Aizawa's mind.

"You weren't joking..." Sans felt a tear form in his eye when he proceeded to tell Aizawa the full story.

"Yeah... Fl###..." Sans stopped and stared at Aizawa.

"Did... you hear that..?" Aizawa nodded, but Sans wished he hadn't.

"Anyways, when he ran off it was like he was in some sort of trance... and soon enough we arrived in an alleyway..." Sans plopped himself down and waited for Aizawa to the same.

"I managed to stop him, and that's when I realized what was going on." He let out a shaky breath.

"There was this black haze... it was like some sort of wormhole and I tried to get him out of there..." At this point, Aizawa knew not to rush him so he waited patiently for him to continue.

"It got my leg, heh I guess this isn't really... believable... is it?" Aizawa sighed.

"Sans I believe you, so please continue." Sans smiled weakly at Aizawa's comment.

"Thanks... well, after it injured my leg I couldn't move and... that's when it got him... I had closed my eyes for a split second, but when I opened them I watched as he fell."

"Where did he go..?" Aizawa's expression faltered when Sans didn't reply.


"I know where he went... but I can't get him back... even if I did have the right equipment."

"Equipment, of what kind?" Aizawa asked.

"I didn't mean to say that." Sans muttered

"Sans did you used to have a job?" Sans stared at Aizawa.

"Yeah, but it's kinda hard to explain." Aizawa gave Sans an unamused look.

"Okay... okay, you don't have to stare me down." He continued.

"I was a shopkeeper..." Aizawa had an unimpressed look when Sans gave a nervous laugh.

"Sans, don't lie to me." Sans huffed slightly.

"Hm, do I have to tell you?" Sans said questioningly and Aizawa nodded.

"Ugh... I was a scientist." Sans exclaimed.

"You were a scientist... I mean that would make sense you're very smart for your age." Sans glanced up from the ground to see that Aizawa wasn't making fun of him.

"Wait, you actually believe me?" Aizawa nodded once again.

"Why wouldn't I?" Aizawa asked.

"No reason..." Sans thought for a moment and realized something.

"Uhm, eraser it's night." Aizawa scanned the area.

"I guess it is, come on we should start heading back." They left the field and were walking on a road fairly close to the house.

"Are you okay?" Aizawa asked the person who had ran into him.

"Tch... I'm fine Eraser." Aizawa stared at them.

"You know who I am?" Sans held in his laugh.

"Yeah, my idiotic brother is a fan of a lot of unknown heroes." Sans stopped trying to hold in his laughter, mainly because he did not feel the urge to laugh anymore.

"Is your brother... Izuku?" They looked at Sans with a mixed expression.

"How do you know him..." They stepped towards Sans.

"Calm down... eraser you can keep going I'll catch up." Aizawa sighed.

"Alright, just hurry." Sans nodded as Aizawa began to head off.

"I'm not going to repeat myself." Sans raised his hand to his head and ruffled his hair.

"Look your brother and I met-" They grabbed Sans shirt and held their fist to his face.

"How..." Sans scoffed.

"I didn't harm him in any way, so if you wouldn't mind." They took a step back as they let go.

"Anyways, I'm Sans, you?" They gave Sans a bewildered look.

"I just threatened you, and you're going to pretend like it never happened?" Sans laughed.

"You thought I hurt your brother, I mean I would do the same."

"I'm Katsuki..." Sans smiled.

"It's nice to meet you Kat, but can I ask you a question?" Katsuki stared for a moment before nodding.

"What are you doing out so late?" Something in Katsuki's mind clicked and he began to run off.

"I gotta go, bye I guess." Once Katsuki was out of sight Sans snapped his fingers.

"Where is-" Aizawa was startled when Sans appeared behind him.

"You didn't come through the door." Aizawa looked at Sans as he awaited an answer.

"Hah... what do you mean I did, you just didn't hear me." Aizawa sighed and decided to drop the subject.

"So, what did you two talk about?" Aizawa asked in a bored tone.

"Eh, nothing much... now I'm gonna head to bed, night." Sans yawned quietly.

"Good night, Sans."

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