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We arrive at school for the SingSing performance, Maxine goes back stage whilst I sit down with Marcus and his parents.

"You okay?" Marcus asks whilst rubbing my hand. "Yeah, just nervous to confront Alex and Ginny" I reply looking up to him. "Amelie, we are all with you on this. They are going down" he says kissing my forehead. The lights go out and a spotlight is projected on stage as the crowd goes quiet.

Maxine comes out and starts to sing and dance, which she is unbelievably talented at. As her performance finishes everyone claps, suddenly I feel a tap at my shoulder. "Look, Ginny and Max are out in the hallway" Marcus says. "I'll be right back you stay here" I tell him whilst heading out to the hallway.

As I open the door Max shouts to Ginny "Your pathetic, how could you do that to Amelie and to Hunter?" Ginny turns to me "Amelie...I-, I'm so sorry-". "Save it hun, your lies just keep piling up" I reply sharply. Norah, Abby and Alex all walk up the hallway to us.

"Wow guys, calm down. What's happening?" Alex asks as I turn to him with his phone in my hand. His smile immediately drops like he's just been shot in the heart. "Yeah, that's right" I say throwing the phone at his chest. I point at him and say with a smile "You're a dick", "and you're a bitch" I say pointing to Ginny.

Marcus enters the hallway and stands beside me. "Hey um, the play is starting again in 5 minutes" he says awkwardly to the group. "Ahh Marcus, my man. Let's get out of here" Alex says walking towards him with a smile. Marcus smiles back as he lifts his hand out of his pocket and punches Alex right in the face, making him fall to the ground. "That's for cheating on my girl" Marcus says looking down to him. Alex groans in pain.

Marcus and I both turn to leave the hallway together. "Where are you's going?" Ginny asks. "To tell Hunter that you're a liar, cheater and a bitch" I say with a fake smile as tears start to form in her eyes.

"That felt great" I say to Marcus as we go outside for fresh air. "That was hot" he replies smiling. "What was?" I laugh. "You having a full on go at her" he replies. "She deserved it, they both did" I say referring to the punch. "I have wanted to punch that kids face ever since he first laid eyes on you" Marcus says, holding my chin up with his hand. "Well, you're mine now love" he continues with a smirk as he starts to lean towards me. He gently starts to kiss me, his hands trailing through my hair and cupping my face. His kisses were passionate and meaningful, he made me in that moment, feel like the only girl in the world.

"We should probably go find Hunter and tell him about Ginny" I say breaking the kiss. "Yeah, you're right. Let's go" Marcus replies as we walk back inside. After 10 minutes of searching for him we finally find him at the food stall.

"Hey, Hunter. I have really bad news" I start to tell him. "Is it about Ginny cheating on me with Alex?" he asks me. "What-, yeah. How did you know?" I reply shocked. "I saw the texts on Ginny's phone this morning, I haven't confronted her about it yet because I just can't believe it. I told her I loved her, I wrote a song for her, and this is how she repays me. Nice" he says aggressively biting into a bread roll. "I'm so sorry Hunter" I say sympathetically embracing him in a hug. "Thanks, Amelie. I'm sorry too, for Alex" he replies to me. I give him a kind smile and turn around due to hearing sobs coming from down the hallway.

"Hunter, Hunter" Ginny cries out running down the hall. "I only did it because I wanted new friends and I thought I would look cool and-" she speaks before I cut her off. "Do you ever shut the hell up about yourself Ginny?"

She looks at me rudely and Hunter says, "I told you I loved you, I wrote a song for you, I was great to you. I'm done with this, we are over" he walks away. "If I were you, I would leave right about now. You're sorry you got caught, not sorry that you did it" Marcus says to Ginny as she turns to exit the play.

"Well that was all very dramatic" I say to Marcus who laughed whilst he played with my hair. We walked down the halls and then decided to ditch the play and go to his house.

I opened the door to his room and went straight to his wardrobe to put on one of his sweatshirts. "You look so cute, come here" he says smiling. I giggle and hop onto his bed, pushing him backwards he grins and I start to kiss him, getting more intense by the second. My hair falls down my shoulders and he places both his hands on my face then flips me over, changing our positions. He climbs on top of me and our breathing increases, he throws his top off tossing it to the side and his chain dangles from his neck, as he leans over the top of me. He lifts up my sweatshirt and starts to kiss my top half leaving trails of marks, especially at my neck. Before continuing he asks, "are you sure?". "yes" I smile innocently.

"I love you, Amelie" he says to me. "I love you too, Marcus" I reply kissing him lightly on the lips and it's like all our problems have just disappeared, until my phone rings.

Incoming call, Matt Press🤍

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