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As I lie in Marcus' bed with his arm wrapped across my body, I look up to him and smile. He starts to play with my hair. "Amelie" he says to me. "Yeah" I reply. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" he asks with a grin. "Oh, no. I'll have to think about it...Of course you dumb-ass" I laugh. "You got me worried for a second there" he chuckles kissing my forehead.

"Do you think Max will be okay with us dating?" I ask him. "Yeah, she was the one that told me to tell you how I truly feel. She was so excited when I told her about my feelings towards you" he replies. "Aw that's so cute" I say to him. "Not as cute as you" he jokingly replies. "Don't ever say that again" I say pretending to gag as we both laugh.

"Can we just stay like this forever, in your warm and cozy bed?" I ask him. "I'd love too but we have school tomorrow and then we have to go to Sing Sing after" he replies stroking my hair as I lie on his bare chest. "Do we have to go to Sing Sing" I grunt. "Yes for Max. You're her best friend, she needs you there for support" he replies. "Yeah you're right. I'm sure it'll be fun anyways" I say cuddling in to him more.

"Come on, let's go downstairs and get some food" Marcus says to me. "No, I'm comfy" I smile to him. "Amelie, come on you need to get up" he replies laughing. "Make me" I smirk. He quickly flips me over on the bed, now hovering over the top of me. "Don't tease me" he says with a grin. "Ok, ok. I'm getting up now don't worry!" I say crawling from underneath him and getting out of his bed. I look over to him and see his face fuelled with annoyance because of my teasing. "That was cruel" he tells me. "Get used to it" I send him a wink as I exit his room to go downstairs.


"Hi, Ellen!" I smile over to Marcus' mum in the kitchen. "Hello, sweetie! Maxine isn't home at the minute because she's practicing for her performance tomorrow but you can feel free to stay, that's not a problem!" she tells me kindly. "Oh, I'm actually here because of Marcus" I reply shyly waiting for her reaction. "Oh? Why's that?" she asks. "We are dating" I tell her avoiding eye contact. "Really?! That's great news! I'm so happy for you both!" she says walking over to me and hugging me tightly.

"You know what, the way Marcus talks about you I always knew he fancied you. One morning he told me you were the most beautiful girl he ever laid his eyes on and he never stops talking about-" Ellen starts to tell me. "Mum! Stop, oh my word. That's so embarrassing" Marcus says coming down the stairs, walking towards me.

"Aww, you talk about me!" I tease him poking his chest. "Shut up" he replies lifting me over his shoulder and carrying me out of his house. "Let me down, Marcus! Let go of me!" I shout whilst laughing. He carries me over to his motorcycle, putting me down and I hear someone speak. "Oh, hey Amelie" Alex says walking closer to the motorcycle. "Cool ride, Marcus" Alex says whilst setting his phone down on the pavement to get a closer look at the bike. "Thanks, man" Marcus replies to Alex.

They kept talking about the bike as I was starting to get bored. After what seemed a decade of waiting, Alex finally said he had to leave. "I gotta go but great chat Marcus!" Alex says walking to the bus stop and getting on the bus.

"That wasn't weird at all" I say to Marcus. "He was just being friendly" Marcus replies grabbing my waist from behind and hugging me tightly. "Hmm. It was just strange, my ex and my boyfriend talking to each other like they are besties. At least he doesn't know we are together" I laugh. "That's true" he says turning me around and leaning in.

"Wait! That's Alex's phone, he must've forgot to lift it before he left" I say lifting the phone off the pavement. "There's message notifications from Ginny. He doesn't have a passcode either, I'll text her on his phone and say that he left his phone on the pavement" I say to Marcus as he agrees. I open his messages and hit Ginny's name, seeing that the messages were about me.



What if Amelie finds out or

How would she find out?
Don't worry about it, she's just
another dumb desperate girl
that thinks she's the best. Don't be
scared of her she wouldn't hurt a fly.
Same with Hunter, he's pathetic.

Alex you cheated on Amelie.
I cheated on Hunter. They're
gonna find out!

If you keep your fat mouth shut,
they won't. Now stop texting me.

Alex, please I'm worried.


What are we gonna do?

Alex answer me?!


(Left on read)


"Oh, my, god" I say to Marcus. "What?" he asks concerned. I continue to scroll up their messages and see inappropriate images Alex sent Ginny whilst we were together. "Oh my, I'm gonna vomit" I say handing the phone to Marcus.

"What the hell? He cheated on you?" Marcus asks. "Yeah and have you seen the pictures, my middle finger is longer" I say in disgust. "They won't get away with this. Ginny doesn't deserve Hunter at all, the cheating bit-" I say to Marcus before he cuts me off. "Okay, calm down. I agree with you and know that you're angry but please don't do anything you will regret. I love you and I'm just looking out for you. I mean I will happily beat Alex's ass but that's on me" he says with a cute laugh holding my chin. "I love you too" I say taking a deep breath.

He kisses me gently and pulls me in to a hug. "I just can't believe Ginny would do that to Hunter he is so amazing to her, he wrote a song about her whilst she was cheating on him behind his back. That's so cruel" I say to Marcus. "I know. I know" he says playing with my hair. "I'm so lucky I have you" I tell him, looking up to his face. "I'm the lucky one" he replies kissing me.

"Omg! You guys! Yay, finally!!" Maxine shouts coming down the road as we separate. "See, I told you she liked you back. I'm always right" Max says to Marcus as he laughs. "Amelie, what's wrong?" she asks me. "Um, it's Alex. Look, this is his phone" I say handing her the phone. "Omg, Amelie. I'm so sorry" she says reading the messages.

"It's Hunter I feel sorry for, he has done everything for Ginny and this is how she repays him. We have to tell him" I say to Max as she agrees. "We can tomorrow at Sing Sing when I'm done all my acts" she replies. "Yeah, good idea" I say back. "It's getting late we should probably get inside" Marcus says. "I should go home, my mum and dad will be wondering where I am" I reply to him. "Yeah, that's okay. I'll see you at school" he says giving me a quick kiss before I leave.


Hii, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

It was so much fun to write about and I wanted to portray that 'Alex' is a character that has two sides to him. Like many people I know, they act nice to your face and talk crap behind your back. Mostly just two-faced.

I wanted to add my own twist to this storyline so I hope this makes sense.

Prepare yourselves😁✋🏼

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