Chapter fifteen

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Teddy's P.O.V

I am lying in my bed dreaming when I feel someone shaking me and whispering
"Wake up Teddy wake up!"
I roll over and groan
"Why to early."
"We have to be downstairs first otherwise we won't be able to to see the chaos  that the prank causes because it won't take them long to put it right again."
I get up and we put on the invisibility cloak then sneak down stairs.

We make it to the great hall and find about twenty students stuck to the ceiling we put a charm on our selves so that we don't float and walk in laughing.

As we are laughing the cloak slips off but we don't care as there is no teachers here yet. Just as Hope falls over from laughing so hard we hear a cough from behind us I turn around and say
"Oh Minnie to what do we owe the pleasure"
"I think you already know that mr Lupin-Black now if the two of you would escort me back to my office please."
Hope steps forward and says as she offers her arm to Minnie
"It would be our greatest pleasure to escort you back to your office Minnie."
"Be quiet miss Lupin-Black!"
She snaps then turns around and starts walking back into the entrance hall. As she was walking out she flicked her wand once and everyone was back on the ground looking annoyed.

Once we arrived in her office she sits down and says
"Right you two I know for sure that you two know what you have done so I'm not going to tell you to behave only that i will not have time for your regular detentions so you will meet hagrid for your next detention tonight. Do you understand?"
We nodded and she signaled for us to leave.

We are still laughing as we make our way to Transfiguration where we are trying to turn mice into snuff boxes rather unsuccessfully I might add.

After that rather infuriating lesson we make our way slowly throwing the sleet that had started to fall to green house three where Professor Longbottom is meeting us. After a very interesting lesson we pull our hoods round our faces as we run back up to the castle for break threw what is now a full blown thunderstorm.

The three of us spend break trying very unsuccessfully to dry ourselves out which we promptly give that up when I mange to set my cloak on fire.

We sit down in defence against the dark arts where we are learning about trolls.

We have fish pie for lunch which is delicious.
"What do we have after lunch?"
Mathew asks
(He is one of the boys who is in my dorm he's really nice)
"It's potions."
Olivia replies and Hope groans
"Uh I hate potions they make no sense."
I laugh at her and say
"It's not that bad it's not like herbology that really makes no sense"

We arrive at potions where we have to make a potion that makes your nails grow who needs that but anyway, the class was cut a bit short for Hope when her cauldron shattered and covered her in potion and her nails started to grow into talons. Olivia had to take her up to the hospital wing.

After class finishes I run up to see Hope. When I get there I see Hope sat on a bed looking bored out of her mind. We finally convinced madam pomffery that she was fine and we went down to the kitchens where I left Hope so I could go and meet my other friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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