Chapter three

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Hope's P.O.V
I wake up and for a moment I don't remember where I am and I panic till I realise I'm at Hogwarts I get up and get dressed then wake up Olivia so we can walk together. We walk down to the common room where we meet Teddy and the three of us walk to the great hall together.

Whilst we are eating Harry's owl Jet lands in front of us with a parcel tied to its legs in side is me and Teddy's gloves with a note that says

To Hope and Teddy

I hope you are enjoying Hogwarts I am just sending you your gloves which you forgot and I wanted to remind you to say hello to professor McGonagal for me.  Remember to write to us and enjoy yourselves.

Love Harry xx

I pass the note to Teddy so he can read it to and I pick up the gloves and put them in my bag before looking at my watch and saying
"We should probably start heading to class soon because we are bound to get lost on the way."
They both nod and we start to walk to transfiguration.

Once we finally managed to find our classroom the door opens and we walk in and see we are the first ones there which is quite impressive as me and Teddy are almost always late to everything. The professor sits down at her desk as the rest of the class finally arrive there is only ten of us in Hufflepuff but that doesn't matter much.

The professor stands up and walks to the front of the room
"Good morning my name is Susan Baker but you will call me Professor Baker."
We all nod and she continues
"Transfiguration is some of the most difficult and advanced magic you will learn here at Hogwarts let it be known that if you mess around you will be sent out of my class instantly, you have been warned."

She then turn her coat stand into a flamingo making us all gasp but we quickly work out that we are not going to be changing things into flamingos when she hands out matches and tells us the spell to turn them into needles.

It is finally lunch and we are making our way to the great hall. I finish eating before the others so I open my bag and start looking for a piece of parchment and a quill. Once I find what I'm looking for I place them down in the table in front of me as well as a bottle of ink and I start to write a letter to Harry and Draco

To Harry, Draco, James, Scorp and Lily

First of all thank you for sending out gloves it is greatly appreciated and secondly we were sorted into drumroll please......

I hope you are ok with that and you are not disappointed we are enjoying school so far we have had fun learning new things well we have to go to potions now so we will write soon.

Lots of love
Hope and Teddy xx

We run to potions as we were already cutting it fine for time when we left the great hall and then we got lost a few times so we are now officially late. We open the door and take the only seats left which are at the front of the room right in front of the teacher's desk. The professor walks through the door moments after we sit down and stands at the front.
"Hello class my name is Professor white and I will be your teacher for the year. We will start of with brewing a potion to cure boils. Well off you go the instructions are on the board."

At the end of double potions we have afternoon break than double herbology just walk back to the common room and flop onto the couch in the corner.

The common room is nice decorated in gold and black with lots of mismatched chairs and couches, it has lots of bookcases lining the walls, there are a few paintings of people on the walls most notably a big portrait of Helga Hufflepuff above the fire place. 

We lay in silence for a while till Teddy sits up and says
"I guess we should start on our homework I can't believe they gave us some on our first day."
Me and Olivia nod and all three of us start to work.

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