Chapter seven

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Teddy's P.O.V
I wake up late and start to panic before I remember it's Saturday and it's Halloween I quickly get dressed and go down to the common room were I find Hope sitting curled up by the fire writing an essay. I walk over and say
"Morning should we go down for breakfast?"
She looks up and replies
"I already ate sorry I didn't want to wake you but I'll come with you then we can go to Hagrid's for lunch because we said we would."
I nod and we both start walking to the great hall we are about half way down the corridor that leads into the entrance hall when I get an idea
"Hey wait a minute we haven't been to the kitchens yet why don't we explore there?"
Hope stops then nods and we walk over to the painting of the bowl of fruit I look at Hope and say
"What now I don't remember how you open the door?"
"We use the map."
She pulls out the marauders map and points her wand at it and says
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."
The map opens and we look at the two figures that represent us and look at the speech bubble that says tickle the pear. So I do and the painting swings forward and Hope clears the map then puts it away as we step onto the kitchens which is filled with house elves.

After spending half an hour in the kitchens and thanking all the house elves we leave the kitchens and start walking down to Hagrid's hut. When we arrive at Hagrid's I knock on the door and realise for the first time ever visiting Hagrid we are actually early only by five minutes as it's five to eleven we left the castle at half ten but we got side tracked on the way.

We wait about thirty seconds before Hagrid opens the door and ushers us in. We sit down and he puts the kettle on fang walks over to us and puts his head on my knees he must be magical although he doesn't look it because Harry says Hagrid had him when Harry and Draco were at school at that was like eleven years ago but anyway after he makes the tea we sit down and he says
"So how have you to been?"
I reply because hopes mouth is jammed together with the toffee Hagrid gave us that we are to polite to refuse.
"Well we've been busy with work and quidditch. We have practice three times a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays but today because it's Halloween we get the day off which is nice."
Hagrid nods then asks
"And what about trouble you been in much of that recently."
Hope who has used magic to remove the toffee from her mouth so she can speak says
"Well we have detention on Monday and Minnie says she is going to talk to us about some agreement to do with detentions so we will see what happens then."
He nods and says
"You should know that your parents or well at least Sirius would have been very disappointed if his children were well behaved they would be very proud of you if they saw the people you have become."
We smile we love being told that we are like our parents it makes us feel closer to them though sometimes I do wish and I think Hope does as well that people would tells us that they are proud of us rather than our parents would be proud.

We talk for a bit more then Professor Flitwick comes down to help move the pumpkins to the great hall. Me and Hope watch as there is not much we can do as we can only levitate objects that are no heavier than a feather but when we get to the great hall we see it filled with live bats and as the pumpkins are added it looks even more amazing Hagrid even let us each carve a pumpkin or really we drew the design and professor Flitwick carved it out using magic. After all the pumpkins our in place Professor Flitwick thanks us for our help (though I'm sure we did much but get in the way) and gives us each ten points.

At seven o'clock me and Hope and some of the other Hufflepuff first years walk to the great hall and sit down ready for the feast. After a spectacular performance by the ghosts the feast appears and we all dig in. I am sat next to a boy called Johnathan Grover who shares a dorm with me though I don't know him that well he turns to me and asks
"So Teddy were your parents in Hufflepuff? Both mine were and I am not  sure if it runs in family's because most of my family were in Hufflepuff or Gryffindor."
I sallow the mouthful of mask that I was eating and say
"No both my parents were Gryffindor and on one side they were all Gryffindor though my grandmother was a muggle and on the other side they were all Slytherin though my dad's cousin my aunt Dromeda had a daughter and she was in hufflepuff but then again so was Dora's Dad." 
Johnathan nods then looks confused and asks
"They was a lot of past tense in that sentence I'm sorry for your loss."
I shake my head
"It's ok we never knew any of other grandparents because on our dads side they were all pure blood maniacs that didn't get on the other our dad so he ran away when he was sixteen plus they are all dead long before we were born and then on the other side our grandfather is still alive but has no interest in knowing us because we had two fathers and our grandmother died when our Papa was sixteen."
He nods and says
"Did you say you have two dads? Biological? Because if so then you must be some of the first kids born to two gay biological parents."
I nod
"Yeah we were actually the first our dad was in a coma and some how produced a magical surge which our papa added and it had nowhere to go so it made us."
He nods and we start talking about quidditch.

By the end of the night we all walk up to the dorms I hug Hope and we say goodnight then we all go up to bed.

It's Monday evening and me and Hope are walking to Minnies office for detention. When we arrive we help clear some old book shelves. When we finish and are about to leave Minnie stops us and tells us to sit down. After we've sat down Minnie says
"So you two I have a proposition for you, since you are in here at least twice a week I have decided that you should come here for detention every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for detention and if you some miracle you don't need detention then I will tell you and you don't have to come does that sound ok."
We nod and thank her then leave. It's a good idea and then we won't forget when we have detention.

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