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Authors notes will be in italics and bold. If there are any grammatical or spelling errors please be nice I'm dyslexic and struggle with spelling and grammar.

This isn't a direct squeal to my other story the returned so it does not include alive Sirius, Remus, Lily Potter or James Potter.

At the time this story is set Harry and Draco are together and have three children James who is five, Scorpius who is three and Lily who is one.

Also Teddy has a twin sister known as Hope or Andie and they are actually Remus and Sirius's children as in the department of mystery's Sirius got hit and ended up in a coma which he awoke from in April 1998 due to Remus being so upset and causing a magical surge which Sirius added to. As there was no where for the excess magic to go it made Teddy and Hope.

This also made a big break through in gay parenting as they could now have biological children. Also with that genetics are different if either of you parents or grandparents have a trait you can have it to even if it's not likely to happen such as Lily having red hair. Also Teddy and Hope are  metamorphmaguses metamorphmgi?
I don't know what the plural is 🤷🏼‍♀️.
Hope also shows signs of autism but I not sure if I want her to be autistic but she shows signs because she is the character I am when I daydream and I am autistic.

There is also slight changes to the Hogwarts rules like first years can now have their own brooms and be on the quidditch team.

Also here is a quick run down of the Weasley family as of September first 2009.

Bill and fleur- married have three kids
-Victoire (Vicky) 9
-Dominique (Dom) 7
-Louis 5

Charlie and Oliver wood- married have two kids
-Alexander (Xander) 9
-Pheobe 7

Percy and Audrey- Married two kids
-Molly II 4
-Lucy 2

George and Angelina- married two kids
-Fred II and Roxanne (Roxy) 5

Ron and Hermione- married two kids
-Rose 3
-Hugo 1

Ginny isn't married nor does she have any kids but is happy and may get married later I haven't decided yet.

If you don't like don't read thank you and I hope you enjoy Beany.

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