Chapter ten

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Hope's P.O.V
I wake up at around seven o'clock and instantly get up it's the twentieth which means we are going home for the holidays today. I'm so exited I packed on the eighteenth as it was Sunday so we didn't have classes. Once I'm dressed in normal clothes which for me means black skinny jeans and a hoodie with writing on it that say things like 'I am out of bed and dressed what more do you want' or 'you've read my hoodie that's enough social interaction for one day'  I like them though I can't say the same for Aunt Dromeda and Aunt Cissy,
I walk down to meet Teddy in the common room then we go down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

Once we've had breakfast we walk to the carriages which I know are pulled by thestrals though I can't see them. Me, Olivia and Teddy sit in one of them and are joined by David who is a friend of Teddy's and they share a dorm. The carriages then set off towards the station.

We leave the carriage at get onto the train and me, Teddy and David sit down in a compartment together but Olivia goes to sit with her brother because she hasn't seen him in a while.

When the train sets off I grab a pack of exploding snap out of my bag and the three of us play multiple games till the trolley lady opens the door at one and Teddy and David get some food for us to share. Once we finish most of the food I open a pack of every flavour beans and I suggest we play a game of guess the flavour. They agree so I go first and pick a random one which is coffee coloured I chew it for a few seconds before swallowing it and pulling a face before complaining
"Dirt. Why do I always get the bad ones."
Teddy goes next and picks a blue one which he eats before saying
"Wow how to they get it so minty."
"What was it?"
David asks
"Toothpaste. Which isn't the worst as it's just mint."
We keep playing till we reach the platform where we grab our stuff and walk off the train. We are instantly hit by a wall of noise and I grab Teddy's hand partly so we don't get separated and partly because the noise is to much and it's so busy. David spots his parents first so we wish him a merry Christmas and he walks over to them so we keep looking. As we are looking around the platform that has quieted down as some people start to leave a feel something hit my and legs and I here a voice that I recognise very well shout
"Hope Teddy your back."
I look down and see Scorp hugging my legs so I bend down and pick him and say
"Hi Scorp."
When I look back up I see Harry, Draco, James, Lily (who is being held by Harry), aunt Dromeda and aunt Cissy, and finally Vicky and Xander. We run towards them and hug them all and Vicky and Xander instantly ask us all about hogwarts even though we write to them at least once a week because they are our best friends.

When we get back to the Potter mansion the four of us go and talk in my room before Harry calls us down because Vicky and Xander have to leave.

After they have left we all eat dinner and after the three younger kids are in bed we sit in the living room and aunt Dromeda asks us
"So your in Hufflepuff what's the common room like Dora would never tell me and I didn't go there with Ted?"
We laugh because of all questions we were expecting that was not one of them. Teddy answers
"It's nice it is mostly decorated in gold and black and is full of miss matched chairs and sofas. There is a big fireplace at the end with a portrait of Helga Hufflepuff above it and there are bookcases that wrap around the whole room. Then there is a table that has a water tap filled with boiling water, tea bags, coffee, a jug of milk and sugar cubes on it. That's it basically it's very homey if you know what I mean."
She nods then Draco asks
"And how is your work going?"
I answer that one
"Well I guess it's a bit boring but it's ok."
Aunt Cissy then asks
"And have you made any friends."
Teddy answers
"Yes I have made friends with all the other four boys in my dorm and a few of the girls and then some others from different houses. Oh and a boy from fourth year who's in the quidditch team to."
I then say
"Well I have made friends with a girl in my dorm called Olivia who me and Teddy spend most of other time with and then I talk to the other girls in my dorm but wouldn't call them friends and then I am friends with Hayley who is also on the quidditch team she's in third year and then I talk to Nat who is a fifth year on the team as well. Oh and I know most of the house elves names and I talk to them sometimes when Teddy's with his other friends."
Harry smiles and then asks
"Do you like it there? Are you happy?"
We both nod and say
They smile and Harry says
"Ok well you two go to bed we are doing your Christmas shopping tomorrow."
So we say good night and go up to our room and go to sleep.

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