Chapter nine

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Teddy's P.O.V
It's early December now and the castle is freezing. The holidays start on the twentieth and me and Hope can't wait to see everyone. I am supposed to be paying attention in transfiguration but I zoned out thinking about what I will get Hope for Christmas, in his last letter Harry told us we will be going Christmas shopping on the twenty first. I am pulled out of my thoughts when Professor Baker asks me how to change a match into a needle and I very intelligently answer
She looks at me then says
"Five points from Hufflepuff pay attention next time mr Lupin-Black."

After Transfiguration (which is the first lesson of the day) we have Herbology in green house one. So at the end of the lesson we walk down to the green houses and I start to wish I had put on my scarf to protect me from the bitter wind. After an interesting lecture about devil's snare from Professor Longbottom we walk back to the castle for our break and me and Hope go back to our dorms to grab our scarves. After break we go to defence against the dark arts with Professor Morrison where we learn about mountain trolls.

When defence finishes we head to the great hall for lunch and play a quick game of wizards chess which I won by the way before heading to potions with Professor White who is also the head of hufflepuff followed by break then the last lesson of the day which is history of magic which is easily the most boring subject in existence.

After we finish taking notes on goblin rebellions we walk back to the common room where we write our essays on devil's snare before heading to Minnie's office like we do every Wednesday for detention this time because we turned the house tables into the colours of the other houses so the Gryffindor one was green, the Hufflepuff one was red, the Ravenclaw one was yellow and the Slytherin one was blue.

I wake up the next day to see snow all over the grounds. I wish we could just go out and play in the snow but we can't as we have class speaking of class we realise we are late for defence against the dark arts we run down the stairs and arrive at the door just as he opens the door and tells us to come in.

After afternoon break we go to the common room as we have the last two periods off as flying is cancelled due to the snow. As we have a free period we gather up the other eight first years in Hufflepuff and ask if they want to have a snowball fight to which they say yes to of course who says no to snowball fights? 

We all grab our hats, scarves and gloves then head out side for a snowball fight we have a free for all. Other people who have free periods start joining and soon there are about fifty people all having a snowball fight we split into houses and we eventually let Slytherin win and we all head back into the castle to warm up. On the way past me and Hope go into the kitchens and Hope asks the house elves
"Is it possible for you to bring hot chocolate to the Hufflepuff common room for people it's just we've just had a massive snowball fight and we are all frozen."
The house elves say yes and Hope says
"Thank you so much you are all to good to us."
After thanking them again we head back to the common room and sit down to wait for the hot chocolate. When it arrives the house elves also bring biscuits which is very nice of them they are so amazing I know Hope spends a lot of time in the kitchens just chatting with them when I'm with my other friends or there are to many people in the common room. After everyone takes some a lot of people asks who ask the elves who asked them to bring it to which I say
"Me and Hope did we thought it would be nice since everyone's frozen. I hope it's ok?"
Everyone thanks us as well as the house elves.

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