Chapter six

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Teddy's P.O.V
It's Friday and we are yet again sitting in detention we didn't even do anything that bad we just were exploring the castle at night though I think Minnie knew we were planning to do something which is true but we didn't do it. We are clearing out an old cupboard with Minnie supervising us. We have been doing this for about an hour and a half and we are only half way through it. Once we are finally finished we are about to go back to the common room but Minnie stops us and says
"I will be the one supervising most of your detentions and have told your teachers to report to me if you play a prank though you will still lose points if you misbehave in class or don't hand in homework on time but other than that you will have detention is that clear."
We nod
"Well then you can go and stay out of trouble."
We nod though we are never going to do that.

The three of us meet at seven o'clock in the common room and walk down to breakfast I grab some toast and jam while Hope and Olivia have cereal. Then the post arrives at half past and Jet lands in front of us and Olivia's owl lands in front of her.

"I'll be right back I need to give my brother his letter."
Olivia says as she starts to walk over to the Gryffindor table.
"Harry and Draco say good luck with tryouts and say it doesn't matter if we get in though they think we will."
Hope tells me whilst skimming through the letter.

When Olivia comes back we go back to the common room so that me and Hope can grab our brooms and Olivia can get a book as she is going to watch the tryouts. When we get to the quidditch pitch there are only a few people there are there are no other first years though we already knew that no other first years are trying out. Olivia tells us she will be in the stands and walks away. Whilst me and Hope walk towards the others. When we reach them we go over to the captain who I don't know the name of and I say
"Hi is this where tryouts are?"
He nods and replies
"Yeah we are just going to wait ten minutes so that everyone has a chance to come down. You can wait and talk to the others if you want."
We turn around and start to walk but he says
"Oh and in case you were wondering my names Theo Ridge. What are your names?"
We turn back around and Hope says
"My name is Hope Lupin-Black and his name is Teddy Lupin-Black."
Theo nods then asks
"As in Sirius and Remus."
We nod and I say
"Yes they were are parents."
He nods and we walk over to the others.

After ten minutes Theo calls us all over and says ok there a twenty seven of you so I'm just going to start with a simple lap of the pitch then go from there. Also just because you were on the team last year does not guarantee you a place this year."
We nod and he splits us in to three groups and we fly round the pitch once. This eliminates two people so we now have twenty five so he splits us by the position we are trying out for. Which leaves me in a group of eighteen and Hope in a group of two.

Theo tests the beaters first and he eventually settles on a boy who was on the team last year and his sister who hasn't been on the team before. Theo tells Hayley and Matthew to wait and the other three to leave the pitch so as they don't get them confused.

Next it's the chasers turn and Theo flys up to the goal post then tells us one by one to shoot three shots. Only six of us get it past him more than once so he splits us into groups and we play together and in the end he flys down.

"Ok so all of you did great but I have chosen, Natasha Attwood, Sebastian Fisher and finally Teddy Lupin-Black."
When he says my names me and Hope high-five and she congratulates me then it's her turn Theo turns to the two of them and says
"Ok I'm going to let out a snitch the first to get it gets the spot." They nod and he lets the snitch out then tells them to go after ten seconds.

After fifteen minutes of flying Hope dives to the ground and catches the snitch. The other person shakes her hand and walks away not bothering to be told that they have lost and Hope walks back over. I hug her and Theo says
"Well looks like we have our team congratulations all of you I will tell you when training starts but for now I would just like you to say your names, your year and what position you will be playing. I'll start hello my name is Thor Ridge I'm captain and I am the keeper and I'm in my fifth year."
We nod and the next person goes says
"Hi my name is Matthew Griffin I am in fourth year and I am a beater."
Next goes his sister
"Hello my name is Hayley Griffin, I am in third year and I am the other beater."

"Hi my name is Natasha Attwood I am in fifth year and I am a chaser."
She signals for the other chaser to go.
"Hi my name is Sebastian Fisher I am in forth year and I am a chaser."
He signals for me to go so I step forward
"Hello my name is Teddy Lupin-Black I am a first year and I am a chaser."
A few of the others gasp and Hayley says
"You fly very well for a first year."
I look and the ground embarrassed and Hope steps forward
"Hi my name is Hope Lupin-Black I'm his twin sister so I am also a first year and I am the seeker."
They all nod and Theo tells us that he will tell us when practice is.

Me and Hope walk over to the stands were Olivia meets us and all three of us go back up to the castle for lunch.

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