Chapter eight

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Hope's P.O.V
I wake up early and am instantly hit by anxiety it is the first quidditch match of the year and me and Teddy's first school one ever. No matter how many times Harry and Draco have told us we will be amazing and how many times we practice I'm still scared.

I look at my clock and see it is five o'clock I get up as I know I won't go back to sleep and get dressed quickly then I walk down to the common room were make a cup of tea and sit down in front of the fire.

About an hour later people start to come down the stairs some wish me luck but most don't pay me any attention which is the way I like it. I don't mind people say good luck and small things like that but when to many people stare at me I don't like it because it makes me feels so different but any way around seven Teddy walks in talking to Theo and they walk over to me and Theo says
"Morning Hope I just going to wake the other boys in the team can you get the girls."
"Of course."
"Oh and while your at it grab your broom because we will be going to breakfast and then straight down to the pitch."
I nod and go back up stairs. I go into my dorm first and say good morning to Olivia who is talking to Matilda who is one of the other girls in my dorm. I then head to the 3rd years dorm and I see that only one of the girls is awake and she says
"Hello can I help you?"
"Er Hi I'm looking for Hayley Theo wants her."
The girl nods
"Third bed but be careful she doesn't like mornings much."
I walk over to the third bed and pull back the hangings carefully and I tap Hayley on the shoulder say
"Hayley you need to wake up Theo wants the whole team to go down for breakfast together."
She groans and opens her eyes then sits up slowly.
"Oh morning Hope what is it you need sorry."
"Morning Theo wants the team to go down for breakfast together they are waiting in the common room I have to go get Natasha now."
I start to walk to the door then remember
"Also bring your broom we are heading down to the pitch straight after breakfast."
She nods then gets up and I leave the room and go to the 5th years dorm and knock on the door. I open the door when someone calls
"Come in."
There are three people awake in this dorm and luckily one of them is Natasha so I say.
"Sorry to b-bother you it's just that Th-Theo wants N-Natasha to come d-down to breakfast with the rest of the team."
Natasha smiles and says
"There's no need to be nervous we don't bite."
I blush and my hair goes a pinker shade of red and my shoes suddenly become at lot more interesting then they were thirty seconds ago.
"You wait there I'll just grab my broom I assume we will be going straight to the pitch?"
I nod and she picks up the broom and says bye to her friends then we walk down to the common room together were we meet the rest of the team and the seven of us walk to the Great Hall for breakfast.

At eight o'clock Theo stands up and loudly announces
"Ok team let's go to the pitch."
We all stand up and we walk down to the pitch and go into the changing room we're we put on our quidditch robes then sit down so Theo can give us a speech.
"Ok so everyone this is the first match of the season this is the one that sets the tone for the rest of the year and it will be the one to show that we are a great team and that we will win the cup Hufflepuff haven't won it seven years and I want to win us that cup before we go so everyone ready just warm up and in two hours the match will start ok. Also I would like to talk to Hope and Teddy over here as it's your first game here at the school."
Everyone nods and me and Teddy walk over to the corner where Theo is
"Ok you to so I just want you to know that you will be amazing and you can do this it is very competitive but you are some of the best flyers I have ever seen at school and you're only first years so give it your best shot and I know you can do it."
We nod and he tells us to go back to the others and get to know them. Teddy goes over and starts talking to Matthew so I sit down in a corner and pick up the book I brought with me it's a herbology book called 'Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean'
I was just reading about gillyweed when Natasha comes and sits next to me
"What you reading?"
"Oh just a book on water plants that uncle nev— er Professor Longbottom gave me."
She nods then says
"Your a lot shyer than your brother."
I don't really know what to say to that so I just shrug and nod. We sit in silence for a bit before she says
"Your last name is Lupin-Black isn't it?"
I nod and reply
"I recognise that name I just can't place it. Are your parents famous or something."
I think then say
"Well they are reasonably well known. You see they were the first ever gay couple to have biological kids those kids being me and Teddy. Though they both died in the battle of hogwarts when we were only a month old so we didn't know them at all really."
She gasps
"I am so sorry I didn't mean"
She was about to continue but I interrupt her
"It's ok you didn't know plus it's hard to miss people you've never met before. And we have amazing god parents."
She nods and asks
"Oh who are they?"
"Well there's our actual godfather Harry and then his husband Draco and then we have three little siblings James, Scorp and Lily. Oh and their last name is Malfoy-Potter."
She gasps again
"As in the chosen one."
I nod and ask
"So what about you Natasha what's your family like."
She thinks then replies
"Well first of all my friends call me Nat. So any way my mum and dad are both magical my dad went to hogwarts but my mum went to beauxbatons and I have a brother and sister called Lucas and Justine. Lucas is in Ravenclaw and is a third year and Justine is a Gryffindor and is a seventh year.

We continue talking till Theo stands up at quarter to ten and says
"Ok team let's go everyone stretch and warm up."
We stretch quickly then the seven of us walk out onto the pitch to colossal applause then Ravenclaw walk out from the other side and Nat whispers to me
"Oh I forgot to tell you my brother is the seeker for the other team."
I look at her and start to panic as Madame Hooch blows her whistle and the game begins.

I instantly fly up to get a better view and start scanning the pitch below me for the snitch. After two minutes Teddy scores the first goal of the season and I do I loop the loop to show my emotions.

After thirty minutes I see something glittering at the other end of the pitch I look at the score and see we are ten point behind so I lean forward as far as I can a I shoot towards the other end of the pitch Lucas catches on and shoots after me. He is right in my tail and as we chase the snitch to about three foot form the ground and at the very end of the pitch I jump from my broom with my hand out stretched and catch the snitch.

I land and I put my arm straight in the air with my hand holding the snitch as Pearl Garret the commentator shouts out
"60-200 Hufflepuff win"

The Hufflepuff team lands around me and the seven of us walk up to the school together after getting changed. When we get to the common room a party is in full fling people are shouting and celebrating as if we already won the cup. Someone has been to the kitchen and there are cakes and drinks on every surface.

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