Akatsuki Princes

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"OI UCHIHA" shouted Deidara from the hall. Itachi sighed glaring at the door of his room in the corner of his eyes. 'What the hell does he want now?' thought Itachi, as his bedroom door slammed opened and he saw Deidara dressed in green silk and had his royal cape on. "Can you be any more obvious that your royal?" asked Itachi, as Deidara glared at him. "Hey don't be jealous you can't pull off looking this good" he said popping his collar. Itachi sighed and closed his eyes. "What do you want?" asked Itachi, as Deidara sighed. "I need money" he said, as Itachi stopped and looked at him surprised. "What for?" he asked, as Deidara growled. "None of your business just give me the money" he said, as Itachi narrowed his eyes at Deidara. "Alright, alright, my parents are cutting me off till I agree to get hitched. Un" said Deidara putting his hands in his pockets. "Seriously? Married? But there aren't any princesses left, they all got married and had sons" said Itachi, as Deidara sighed lying on Itachi's bed. "Tell me about it, I have to go marry a poor girl" he said, as Itachi looked at him. "What's so bad about that?" asked Itachi "Are you kidding once they find out I'm a prince they go all screams and worship my feet" said Deidara, as Itachi sighed and closed his eyes. "Well good luck with that" said Itachi, as Deidara growled. "Oi, are you going to give me the money or not?" asked Deidara "Not" said Itachi, as Deidara growled. "Damn you" said Deidara, as they stopped when a knock came from the door frame. "Itachi, we need a word" said his father King Fugaku. Itachi then narrowed his eyes. "Does it have to do with the discussion Deidara and I just had?" asked Itachi, as Fugaku closed his eyes and crossed his arms. "Indeed it does" he said, as Itachi growled. "I'm not marrying a poor girl" said Itachi, as his father narrowed his eyes at him. "Itachi you are going to choose a bride... because if you don't... your... luxuries will be taken away just like Deidara’s were" said Fugaku, as Itachi growled when his father walked away. "Thanks a lot big mouth" said Itachi glaring at Deidara, as he hpmhed and turned his head. "You know" said a voice, as they stopped and saw Sasuke. "There is a way for you to meet girls without thinking your a prince" he said, as they paused and looked at each other. "What's in it for you? Un" asked Deidara glaring at him. Sasuke smirked and closed his eyes. "I'll ask for it when the time comes" said Sasuke, as Itachi narrowed his eyes. "Sasuke quit trying to act cool, you look like a douche" said Itachi, as Sasuke growled. "WHO THE HELL IS ACTING I AM COOL" shouted Sasuke, as Deidara and Itachi raised an eyebrow at each other. "Anyway... what you can do is dress up as poor guys and start walking the streets" said Sasuke, as they paused. "That's actually a decent idea. Un" said Deidara, as Itachi lowered his head. 'Why do I have a bad feeling about this?' thought Itachi.

Meanwhile is the town with families who make a decent living a girl with purple hair and green-bluish eyes was walking across the street. She walked to an earthly looking home and knocked on the door. She then smiled seeing a guy with blonde hair wearing sunglasses. "Morning Alexis" he said smiling at her while leaning against the door frame. Alexis giggled and started flirting. "Hey Kent, is Jamie up?" she asked, as he smirked and leaned closer. "Don’t know, I could ask her but it might take effort" he whispered, as Alexis giggled more putting her right hand to her mouth. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked, as Kent turned to me and smiled nervously seeing me crossing my arms and tapping my right foot. "He, he, he, morning sis" he said, as I growled. "Get to work Kent" I said, as he sighed and walked by Alexis. "Later Alexis" he said waving good-bye at her. Alexis smiled and waved good-bye to him. "What are you doing?" I asked, as she smiled nervously. "Oh come on it's just a little fun" she said, as I narrowed my eyes. "Alexis you know Kent has a crush on you why are you pushing it?" I asked, as she sighed. "I don't know, I like flirting" she said, as I rolled my eyes. "Let's go eat" I said, as she smiled brightly and nodded. We walked to a cafe and I ordered black tea while Alexis ordered a coffee cake and a caramel frap. "|Would you like anything else?" asked a waitress, as I sighed looking at Alexis gobbling down her coffee cake. "Uh, I'll call you if we do" I said knowing Alexis would want another one in like five minutes. I sighed closing my eyes while smelling the scent of my tea. It smelt so soothing and relaxes me when I need it. "So" said Alexis talking to me with her mouth half full. "So what?" I asked looking at her. She sighed and gulped down the rest of her cake. "We going to a club tonight?" she asked, as I sighed closing my eyes. "Must we I just got time off" I said, as she sighed. "That's the whole point" she said, as I shook my head. "OH MY GOSH" shouted girl's voices, as we stopped and looked to see girls crowding around outside. "What's going on?" she asked, as I shrugged. "Beats me" I said. "Your not going to look" said the waitress, as we stopped and looked at her blushing and holding her face. "The hottest guys showed up out of nowhere" she said shaking her head like she was in a dream. Alexis and I paused looking at each other. We got up and walked out of the cafe. We stood on our tippy-toes to see most definitely nine hot guys walking down the street. "Wow you think they're royal or something?" asked Alexis, as I shrugged closing my eyes. "Who cares... guys like that are only interested in girls like that" I said walking back into the cafe. Alexis looked at the nine guys one more time and blushed noticing the guy with blonde hair was looking at her. She shrugged her head thinking it couldn't be and walked back into the cafe. As we sat down Alexis looked at me drinking my tea. "Can we please go?" she asked, as I sighed. "Yeah fine" I said, as she smiled. "Yay" she said hugging me and I sighed.

Back with Itachi he sighed closing his eyes. "Damn this still isn't working, your brother and his damn idea" said Deidara, as Itachi closed his eyes not responding. "It's a good idea... but it doesn't work if we still have good looks" said Sasori, as Deidara growled. "Stop taking his side" said Deidara, as Sasori narrowed his eyes. "I'm not taking sides I'm speaking freely" he said, as Deidara hpmhed and turned his head. "Hey let's go to a night club" said Hidan, as they all stopped and glared at him. "Come on, music, dancing, alcohol, sexy ladies, what's not to like" he said, as they all sighed. "Fine" they said, as he smirked.

Later that night I dressed into a black dress that showed my shoulders and I wore flats. I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs. I then smiled seeing Kent just getting home. "You going out?" he asked, as I nodded. "Be careful" he said, as I smiled and patted his head. I smiled when Alexis was at the door wearing a green tank top and skirt with matching high heel shoes and a purple purse to match her hair. "Let's go" she said, as I nodded and walked out. We made our way to the Penguin Night Club. The outside wasn't much to look at but inside had a sort of a North Pole decor with lights that shined through plastic ice. It was one of the top night clubs to go to in our minimum wage town. I sat at a booth and drank a melon martini while Alexis ran to the dance floor. I watched our purses and just slowly moved my glass making the liquid in my drink follow. Little did I know that Alexis was having the time of her life.

To Be Continued...

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